Chapter 1 - Daycare?!

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A/N: Hi guys, and welcome to my new story! This is pretty much a story where Yuri and Victor are still there normal ages and the other skaters and possibly a few others are little small children going to daycare...and Yurio is there son. Anyways, enough rambling and onto the story!

Also, most of the kids are more mature than the average like 2 year old but they still are'll see what I mean, its hard to explain.

"Yurio!" I heard my so called "dad" call my name. No it wasn't even a nickname. It was my name. Yurio Nikifirov. That's what my name is ever since I was adopted, apparently. Before then, it was Yuri Plisetsky and I was living in an orphanage. My grandpa was too old to truly take care of me so instead I stayed there, which wasn't horrible, other than the fact that all those stupid kids were annoying. I hated them. Then again, I hate pretty much everyone, except grandpa. He visited me in the orphanage and still does now and he's happy about my adoption.

"What do you want, old man?" I asked grumpily, immediately glaring at the silver-haired man who just ran into my room and picked me up like he had no sense of personal space. "Tch." I said, looking away.

"You don't have to be so mean to Daddy!" He said, pouting, but I didn't care. Shouldn't I be the one pouting anyways? "Yuri! Why is our cute son so mean to me. I've been wounded..." He proceeded to "melt" into the floor with me still in his arms. Yuri poked his head out from the kitchen and raised an eyebrow.

"H-Honey, Yurio just doesn't like much attention. Especially physical affection," Yuri told him, his cheeks tinted pink as he stumbled over the first word.

"Aw, but why...?!" The idiot whined, pulling me down to nuzzle my nose. "Don't you love me?" He asked.

"No, you stupid!" I replied angrily.

Yuri sighed and walked over to us, taking me out of Victor's grasp and lifting me up to look at him. "Yurio, we're gonna be practicing for the upcoming competitions a lot from now on and we'll need someone to watch you," Yuri spoke calmly, but looked a bit nervous as if he knew i'd be angry with his next words, "...So, we decided to have you go to daycare during the week."

"YOU WHAT?!" I shouted immediately, glaring at the raven-haired man and pounding my fists angrily on his chest. "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SOME STUPID DAYCARE WITH SOME STUPID TEACHER WITH SOME STUPID KIDS!" I growled, taking a deep breath once finished shouting.

"Yurio, it'll be fun!" Victor said, holding up my favorite outfit, the tiger print with ears and jeans, "And you can wear this for your first day!"

I stared at said outfit, then sighed and muttered a "fine." Victor and Yuri smiled at this and soon I was out the door and in the car. Before I knew it, I was walking into the building and into the classroom, or whatever you called it, I didn't now, nor did I care.

"Please welcome Yurio Nikifirov everyone! He'll be joining us from now on." The woman who would be "caring" for us said, who also told me to call her "Mrs. Hinata." She wasn't someone I knew or related to someone I knew.

"Are there any questions for Yurio?" She asked, looking around. A tan, dark haired man wearing a shirt reading "King JJ" rose his hand. "What is it, JJ?" Mrs. Hinata asked cheerfully.

"You said he was a he...but he looks like a girl!" The blue eyed boy stated, seeming confused but I thought he was being a jerk. Having not wanted to get in trouble, I gritted my teeth and said, "Its just a stupid haircut. Now. Shut. Up." I tried to be calm and not lash out, but that proved to be highly difficult.

Mrs. Hinata looked a bit nervous but simply told me to go sit at the colorful carpet with the other kids, rather than confronting me about it, much to my convenience. I didn't see any open seats available other than one between the King JJ kid and another kid with a similar haircut to him wearing a leather jacket and a T-shirt with a motorcycle on it. Both kids watched me as I sat down, but the second one didn't look away once Mrs. Hinata started talking. He seemed interested in me for whatever reason, but I simply ignored him and barely listened to our caretaker as well as I looked around the toyfilled room with its colorful walls and happy atmosphere. Eventually though, that got boring and I decided to listen a bit closer, deciding it might be important.

But before I did fully focus on what was being said, I couldn't help but notice this boy with two-toned

He was smooching a teddy bear.

Yup. Okay. Not talking to him anytime soon.

A/N: And on that note, I'll end this chapter, which I'm hoping is long enough. I hope you all enjoyed and see ya next time!

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