Chapter 4 - Yurio's Rants and Nicknames

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A/N: Hello guys and welcome back to another chapter of Our Sweet Yurio! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

I scowled, staring down at the snack set in front of me. We were having peanut butter and jelly each had half of one, cut into a triangle. By now, I was pretty much glaring at it. I bet that piggy would eat like 10 of these, wouldn't he? And then that stupid old man would be all like "Oh, my little piglet! What are you doing? You've got to stay in shape to skate!" with his stupid heart-shaped grin on his face.

"Why are you glaring at your sandwich..?" Otabek asked, raising an eyebrow. Is he judging me? Oh, frick no!

"Don't you freaking judge me, you stupid!" I said through gritted teeth, quiet enough so Mrs. Stupid Hinata wouldn't hear it, "I was thinking of my stupid 'parents' and how stupid they are!"

"Okay..then..." Otabek replied, his eyebrow still raised. I scowled and picked up my sandwich, tearing a bite off angrily with my teeth. I scarfed it down like a starved tiger even though really I was just angry. Take that you stupid pork cutlet bowl! I thought, imagining Yuri's face.

"You've got a little..." Otabek raised his napkin up to my face, "...jelly here," he finished, wiping it off. My face heated up with embarrassment and I slapped his hand away. "You get angry a lot," Otabek said bluntly.

"Shut up!" I snapped, looking away. I heard Otabek sigh, but paid no mind to it. Instead, my attention was focused on the tan boy from earlier who was happily snapping pictures of everyone. Why the heck does he have a phone? I thought. Just then, he turned towards me and snapped a photo of me.

"Awww!" He cooed, "Just like an angry little kitten!" I narrowed my eyes at the boy, but he didn't seem to mind my obvious anger, "Hey, you! You're Yurio, right? You look soooo cute! I'm Phichit, by the way!" He chirped, speaking quickly.

"First of all, I AM NOT CUTE. Second of all, what makes you think you can just take pictures of people, especially me? What on earth are you going to do with those stupid photos anyways?!" I shouted at him, ranting and seriously frustrated. I was surprised there wasn't steam flying out of my ears.

"Why wouldn't I be able to take pictures of a little kitten boy?" Phichit asked, tilting his head to the side slightly, "And obviously I'm going to put them on Kidstagram!"

"What the frick is Kidstagrahmcracker?!" I shouted. Phichit giggled like some stupid girl would. "Why are you giggling?!" I shrieked, fists clenched in front of me.

"You called it 'Kidsagrahmcracker!' " Phichit replied, still giggling.

"So what, Phicheeto?!" I yelled. Where the heck is that stupid Mrs. Hinata in all of this anyways? Surely she would've noticed this. I glanced around for a moment. Oh yeah, she's inside that bathroom... I thought when my eyes landed on the door. I also noticed Otabek looking somewhat amused. And the statue shows emotion, whoop-dee-fruit-loop.

"Phicheeto?" Phichit repeated, raising an eyebrow, an also amused grin on his face.

"Yes," I stated.

"Why?" He asked, giggling.

"Because," I stated again, rolling my eyes. Phichit simply grinned. Just then, the chicken nugget guy from earlier approached me.

"Hey Mr. Angry Kitten Guy, I heard that one of the people you were adopted by was the legendary Yuri Katsuki!" Chicken Nugget guy said, his eyes shining with interest and happiness.

"I'm not an angry kitten," I said through gritted teeth, trying to stay calmer since Mrs. Hinata had just walked out of the bathroom, "My name is Yurio." I cringed at the sound of my own self saying that name. It was going to take some serious getting used to. Yurio Nikifirov is the stupidest name ever. I don't want to be related to that stupid old man! My name is Yuri Plisetsky, dang it! I shouted in my head. I took a deep breath through my nose before speaking again, "That. Stupid. Pig. Is. Not. A. Legend."

"How dare you insult my idol!" Chicken Nugget shouted, pointing a finger at me, "I, Minami, will not stand for this horrible treatment! I declare war on you, Yurio!" I deadpanned, looking at him like he was stupid.

"Whatever, chicken nugget," I said.

"Its Minami Kenjirou!" He clarified loudly, his snaggletooth showing. He had a defiant expression on his face.

"Whatever, Minamommy."

"Its Min-am-i!" He stated.

"Okay, Moneymi."

"Leave him alone, Yurio," Otabek scolded lightly. I slightly glared at him, but didn't really mean much by it.

A/N: Yeah, okay, Yurio might be kind of out of character, but I thought it'd be great if he did this sort of thing. I dunno, if you guys don't like it I won't have him do it anymore. Anyways, I hope I'm portraying the characters well. I'm trying to. Anyways, (yes I say "anyways" a lot.) see you all next time and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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