Chapter 5 - Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

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A/N: Welcome back to another chapter of Our Sweet Yurio! I'd like to ask you all a few questions that I'd appreciate if you'd answer before we begin:

1: Have you checked out my YOI Oneshot Book? If not, that's okay of course I'm just curious!

2: Would any of you be interested in any other I sort of Yuri on Ice AU stories? If so, anything specific?

3: How was your day? :D

That's it! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and do have a nice day!

"The Grand Prix Final will be taking place in only a month! Will Victor Nikifirov's come back to the skating world leave him with a gold medal once again?" The skating TV channel speaker asked dramatically.

Scowling, I growled, "Why on Earth is every channel involving skating always talking about stupid Victor Nikifirov?! I get he's famous and all but shut up! Its always Victor Nikifirov this and Victor Nikifirov that! Victor, Victor, Victor! I don't freaking care about Vic-thor Freaking Nikifirofl!" I ranted angrily, pacing (though it was more like stomping) around the room, seething and clenching my fists. I had already had a long day in that wretched daycare with stupid Pichu and Memeami. Or was it Pikachu and Meanami? Or maybe even Achoo, like a sneeze. I giggled to myself, sounding like some teenage girl talking about her crush. I must really like making fun of people. I thought with a shrug. Oh wait...It was Phichit and Minami. I remember now. I thought, not really caring all that much what their names were.

"Hey, Yurio!" I heard a certain very annoying silver haired male call my name. "Why do you sound so angry in here? And did I hear you..." Victor raised a questioning eyebrow as he said his next words, "Giggling...? Are you possibly losing your head? Daycare can't be that bad."

I turned around very slowly, grinning creepily at him. "I'm flippin' fine! Finer than a flippin' pancake! Woop-dee-fruit-loop! Ha. Ha." My reply was coated with sickly sweetness. When his face turned from questioning to plain scared to just worried, I inwardly pumped my fist in the air. Take that, old man! You deserve to be creeped out!

"...Okay then..." Victor trailed off. Then as if a light bulb went off in his empty head, he lifted a finger, a flicker in his eye, "Its your bed time now, no more skating TV tonight!" He told me.

"Like I want to watch skating or anything to do with you," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Skating is stupid," I stated.

"That's not what you said a few weeks ago!" Yuri's voice called from the kitchen. "You were saying how you thought it was 'so cool' and that you 'wanted to try it sometime.' "

"I did not! Shut your face, you pig! I'll smash your face in if you say anything else!" I threatened angrily.

"O-Okay!" I heard Yuri's voice squeak.

"Don't threaten my precious pork cutlet bowl!" Victor scolded.

"Shut up, old man!" I retorted, gritting my teeth slightly.

" 'Old man' can mean 'Dad' too!" I heard Yuri's voice say from the kitchen, but it was too late.

"I'm wounded," Victor said, and for the 30 millionth time this week, he melted onto the floor.

"Piggy, did I not just tell you to shut your face?" I asked rhetorically, walking off to my bedroom, deciding to go to sleep. Even though I didn't actually want to follow their stupid rules, I was tired so why should I stay awake just to prove I didn't care about their rules? Exactly. Pointless.

So, I did exactly as I was told and went to sleep.

And in the morning, I woke up and got up for stupid daycare.

"Welcome back, Yurio. Don't cause any trouble." Mrs. Hinata greeted, warning me.

"Yeah, yeah," I responded, rolling my eyes and walking over to the carpet, where the kids were as always asked to state the rules.

I stayed on the carpet as the other kids shuffled over to their favorite spots of the room. There were areas for certain things, such as the tables where we could do artistic things and have snack when it was snack time. There was the napping corner, which we all had to do about 3/4 way through the daycare day, but we could also be over there during the many hours of playtime we had.

"Hey, hey! Mr. Angry Kitten Guy! Y-" A voice started talking excitedly behind me.

"Yurio," I stated, interrupting them with slight angry already lacing my voice.1

I turned to look at him. Minami, right...? Yeah... I thought. "You know," He continued to chatter excitedly, "Yuri is going to the Grand Prix Final in like a month! I'm soooo excited! He's like so amazing! You know? Like do you watch him practice ever? I bet he looks so cool! You should let me watch sometime! Also-"

"Stop talking about that stupid pig, you dumb chicken nugget!" I shouted, not wanting to hear another minute of his ramblings.

"D-Dumb?" Tears welled up in the kid's eyes as his bottom lip quivered.

"Duh, that's what I said," I stated.

"Don't be so mean to Minami, he isn't dumb!" Phichit defended him, coming out of nowhere.

"Why are you defending some stupid kid you barely know?" I asked, though it was more like a demand.

"Because he doesn't deserve to be treated that way!" The tan boy replied, giving me a disapproving look.

"Whatever," I shrugged, not really caring.

"The kid's right, Yurio," A voice that I recognized as Otabek's suddenly spoke up from behind me. "Now come on and leave them alone," Otabek told me, grabbing my hand and dragging me away from the kids, "Mrs. Hinata is letting us go outside now anyways since the weather is nice."

"What the heck are we supposed to do out there?!"I asked, glaring slightly at him, "And why are you dragging me?!"

"Talk?" Otabek replied, not answering the second question, "Or...if you want we could play catch with some other kids...I'd kind of prefer not to, though..." He trailed off.

"Catch is stupid. Let's talk."

And so we did, sitting on one of the benches on the outskirts of the playground.

A/N: Welcome to the end of the chapter! Heh. Anyways, I'm trying to add more detail to my writing, but it doesn't always work out so well. I'm trying though, that's what matters, right? Anyways, hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter and see you next time, when Yurio might actually make some friends...kind of.

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