Chapter 14//Flowers and Chocolate Stawberries

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Bree's POV:
    Yesterday was strange. In both a good and bad way. Chase asking me on a date: good, going crazy bouncing off the walls; well you can guess that part. Finally school is over and Chase and I can go on our little secret date. I stood at my locker getting out my stuff and waiting for the boys. "Hey Bree, what's up?" I heard Ethan's voice and I turned to him with a half smile half 'why-are-you-here' smile. I gave a tiny laugh, "Oh you know me, just standing here waiting for my brothers." He laughed a bit and I glanced around the room. "Your such a nice sister to them Bree. So, I was kind of wondering if you are busy tonight?" He asked and my mind went into panic. What do I say? Oh sorry no, I'm going on date with my brother, NO! I thought. I got the nerve to say, "Oh sorry, no. You know, it's a school night. Got to get right to studying." I put on a fake smile and it looked as if he did too, "Oh that's okay, I understand." He walked away and I continued to get my stuff. Phew, glad that's over, I thought. Chase approached by my side and I turned my head so that my eyes could meet his. "Come on, Mr. Davenports waiting for us in the car," he said and I closed my locker and heading to the parking lot with him.
//Ethan's POV:
    I wonder why Bree can't hang out. I so wanted today to be the day I finally ask her to be my girlfriend. After I talked to her for a little I walked over to my locker, still staring at her. I saw Chase walk up to her with a big grin on his face. She turned to him with a smiling face. She seems more excited to see him than me. I know she likes me back, but she has a greater reaction to her brother than me. I'm basically her boyfriend and she appears that she has a bigger crush on Chase, her brother, than me, her cute/adorable/little decimal point, Ethan. I'll get her wanting me. Don't you worry universe, things will be put right tomorrow, when I ask her to be my girlfriend.
//Chase's POV:
    I can't wait for our date! This is the first time any girl ever has been interested in me, well you know other than Danielle. Once Bree and I got to the car, I opened the door for her and she thanked me. As I got in I heard Tasha say, "That's a very nice thing to do for your sister, Chase." I nodded and Bree leaned in to whisper something to me, "It's also a nice thing to do for your girlfriend." She said it so quietly it was silent everywhere else except between her and I. I smiled after she said that.  She blushed and sat back against her seat. I stared out the window, but I could only see Bree's reflection in the glossy glass.
She has amazing, hazel eyes that you get lost in every time you see them. Her beautiful auburn hair that falls perfectly on her shoulders. The way her words go through your soul and make you overwhelmed. I'm so glad she's mine. I don't even know why, I mean, why would she like a guy like me? She is just so, so, I can't even put it into words how so feel.......Wait I got it! She's amazing. Not perfect, I know that, but amazing is the next best thing. That's what she is; she is amazing.
//Bree's POV:
I kinda sorta feel bad for blowing off Ethan.........nah! After all, I don't have time to think about that! I'm going somewhere with Chase, not Ethan. Chase is more important than him. I have real feeling for Chase. I'm not sure what they are, but I know I do.
     I love his mesmerizing eyes and their hazel color. I love the way he tells you what he feels so I wouldn't have to guess. I love that he can have fun on his own and he doesn't need anyone else like Adam or Leo or even me to have fun. He does it all by himself. Adam was wrong about Chase. I love that little thing Chase does when he gets excited. He is just so, wonderful, NO, amazing......That's what Chase is....Amazing.
    After 10 minutes, we were almost to the house. "Mr. Davenport, I was thinking of going the park....could you maybe drop me off there in a few hours?" I heard Chase ask Mr. Davenport. He reluctantly agreed and continued to drive to the house.
Once we got to the house I bolted out of the car to get ready for the date. I saw Chase packing a picnic basket and hiding it in his backpack. Before he could turn to see my face, I super sped to the bathroom. "Wow, I look horrible," I said to myself as I picked up my blush pallet.
//Chase's POV:
I didn't want Mr. Davenport to know that I was packing a picnic, so I stuffed the basket in my backpack. I turned to what I thought was Bree but actually just turned out to be Bree's super speed trail. I lunged my backpack on my back and said, "I hope she likes what I packed." Mr. Davenport walked in the lab, grabbing his keys and asking, "You hope who likes what you packed?" I just shook my head and murmured, "No one."
Bree and I made a plan where Mr. Davenport would drop me off here at the park and Bree would super speed here after she told Tasha that she was going to Caitlin's house. Tonight is going to be awesome!
//Bree's POV:
    After I thought I looked okay, I super sped up stairs to tell Tasha that I was going to Caitlin's house to study. "Thanks Tasha! Bye!" I yelled and sped away.
     Instead of running over to "miss control freaks" house, I headed to my control freak. Yes, it's Chase. As soon as I smelt the damp grass and flowery trees, I knew I was at the park. When I stopped in front of Chase, the wind I created blew him over. "Chase! Uh, sorry..." I admitted and gave a guilty smile. I helped him up and he brushed off his pants while saying, "Its alright. Your cuteness makes up for it." I blushed then gave him a little play punch on the arm.
After 30 minutes, we had the best of fun. I never thought that it would be fun to hid from people playing in the park. If they saw us together, we would be the laughing stock of all Mission Creek. Siblings that like each other! What an insane story! It would ruin the team and the whole family! I can't think of that now; I'm on a date.
Chase said he had a surprise for me waiting underneath the playground slide. As we walked there, he put his hand over my eyes to blindfold me. After a flash of light and his moving hand, I saw candles surrounding a picnic blanket. In the center of the plaid dark green blanket was a picnic basket with flowers and chocolate strawberries.
//Chase's POV:
We had fun hiding from kids and families playing in the park. When they all left, I decided to lead Bree to the blanket. Before the date had started, I set up the candles and the blanket perfectly, I knew she would love it. When we got under the slide, I moved away my hand for her to see my amazing presentation. Her face was a great expression of amazement, but when she looked at the candle lit picnic, I just stared at her. I know her secrets, I know everything about her. She may be my "girlfriend", but she's also my sister, and I'm always around her so I know a thing or two about her. I knew exactly what to make her and where to go.
Her mouth gaped open and she managed to breath out, "Wow. Thank you so much Chase." She tuned to hug me. I embraced her and didn't feel like letting go. Maybe Leo and Adam were right, I might not ever get a girlfriend, but Bree was a better choice than having any girl out there at all. She is the only one that will make me feel this way. When I'm an adult and married or something, I know I won't be fully happy unless it was Bree. We hugged for a minute or so, then we sat down on the blanket softened by the playground's sand.
We ate our velvet, chocolaty strawberries and listened to music. We told jokes, stories, and we danced a little too. We sat on the blanket again, and I reached in the basket for a flower. I reached out a pink lily flower and put it behind Bree's ear in her hair. She smiled and threw a chocolate strawberry at me. I smiled then said, "I know you love me," she shook her head in a joking matter, "tell me you love me..." She scooted closer to me and made a kissy face then said in a baby voice, "I wove wou Chasey.." She pecked my cheek and I put my arm around her. She closed her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Bree?" I whispered and she opened her eyes and looked up at mine. "Yeah?"
"You're amazing."
"You're amazing to me...."
"You're amazing to me too," she replied and rested her head on my shoulder again.

Sorry for the long wait. I was on spring break where I live and I was really busy. Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Don't forget to vote too! ~MJ💚

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