Chapter 19//Can't Take Much More

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OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! 1k! We're at 1k! I never thought that I would get to this point! Thank you all so much for reading! I hope your as excited for the sequel as I am! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, just comment and tell me. Just one more chapter left!

Chase's POV:
It's been a while since Bree and I made up. We're friends, and we haven't been on a "date" in a while, and you know why that is? Bree likes two people. Me, of course, and Ethan. She calls him her little "decimal point". Strange, am I right? Sure Bree still likes me, but cheating is wrong and she knows that too. She says that she's only dating him to not seem suspicious with me. I kinda believe her, but I still know that she likes him.

When she's around him her pupils grow, she starts to sweat, and her heart rate escalates rapidly. Around me, only her pupils grow. Maybe it's just because she is used to being around me all the time. Or maybe it's because I'm her brother and she sees me everyday and she's used to me. And the last explanation: she doesn't like me anymore than she likes Ethan. That hurts, a lot actually. I love Bree, and if she didn't love me, then that would mean that I would have to find another girl, which is pretty difficult! Well, for me it is. The point is, I can't take much more of her being with him and not remembering what we had. I still love her and always will.

//Bree's POV:
Ethan and I had the best date yesterday, well, except for a few things. We went to the mall, then we went to the Mission Creek Amusement Park. We rode Buford the Dragon, and ate kettle corn; but something was missing in that date. The whole time I was thinking of Chase. I missed him, and I knew I had to be with Ethan. I have keep Chase and I safe. If I'm with Ethan, no one will suspect my feelings for Chase and his for me, but that's not the only reason I have to stay with Ethan.

Look, I love Chase and I would never want to hurt him. But I think it's time. The other day Tasha came in the Lab when Chase and I were watching a movie. Seems innocent, right? No! We were watching the Notebook. Tasha's expression seemed suspicious. It's time that Chase and I, went our separate ways, and if later we could find a way to be together without being noticeable, we will. But for now, we have to do I say this?

It not only will hurt him, it hurts me, but we have up. I wish we didn't have to, but it's the only way to keep our feelings hidden. Staying away from each other more often will be the safest thing to do.

//Chase's POV:

We have to break up. It's the only way our feelings won't be noticed and criticized. It's he only way we can keep our secret, and each other safe.

While I was thinking about this, I was up in the mirror room. There is a single chair in here and I sat there for hours, thinking and praying. What should I do? I asked myself in thought. In the chair, my back was arched and all I could do was keep my head up with my hands and elbows on my knees, and think. Thinking was the only thing I did, but today all I could think about was what I was supposed to do, and I found an answer: telling Bree I love her, but we should see other people. Well she should see other people. No one wants this charmed, smart, and sensitive guy. I don't even know why!

I got up from the chair, hearing my feet echo on the hard ground. I opened the door and closed it tight with a small creak. "Adam, your shoe isn't a bowl for soup!" I heard Bree yell in the kitchen. There was my chance.

"Uh, hey Bree, can I talk to you down stairs for a second?" I asked as I entered the room. She nodded and we went to the elevator. My palms were sweaty and my shirt was growing pit stains.

Once we were in the Lab, I said, "Bree, we, uh, should talk." She nodded again and we went up to that same landing on the climbing wall. "Chase, I'm just gonna go right out and say it," Bree said calmly. "Me too." I replied, not knowing what she was about to say. "I can't take much more." We both said in unison. We looked into each other's eyes and knew what we had to do.

//Bree's POV:
It's like we were speaking to each other in our brains. I knew what he was saying. But I didn't hear any words. Our mouths were shut and our eyes locked. I finally whispered, "Chase, I love you, but we shouldn't be together now." He glanced down, then back into my eyes. "I know. Being together makes us more suspicious and unsafe." We both nodded and he added, "I love you too."

Our eyes were still locked and our faces expressionless. Blank, grey. Nothing was heard. Nothing was said. For minutes we just sat there, looking into each other's eyes as if we were searching each others souls. We moved closer, our bodies reviving warmth. Soon our cheeks were close and our lips only inches apart. We closed our eyes.

//Both Bree and Chase's thoughts and views:
Our lashes fluttered and sat on our cheeks as we grew closer. I could feel the breath and the warmth, but it wasn't my own. Our lips touched and it felt like it lasted a life time of waiting.

We felt as if we were stuck. We couldn't move. We couldn't stop. It was too late.


   Maybe it was a goodbye kiss. A feeling of the last time. We couldn't be together, but we knew we loved each other.

     Our eyes finally flittered open, and the shadows were darkened. Everything seemed grey, but we knew it would change. This was the only way.

//Chase's POV:
    It was magic. My last first kiss. To be with her would be to never feel bad again. She was healing power herself. She was the power. And I'll never feel that power again. Not unless we find a way to be together.

    I glanced down at my watch. 9:13 PM. My eyes widened and I showed Bree the watch. Her eyes widened bigger than mine. We've been sitting still with our lips touching for hours, though it only seemed like a second. I knew she was the only one for me. When I'm an adult, I'll never find the right one, because I know that the right one was always in front of me. Bree is the only one I will ever love. No woman had the same amazing power as Bree.

     I know I'll never see the day I'd say the words, "Breeana Michelle Davenport, will you marry me?" I know it won't happen. And only because we are blood brother and sister. Sibling for life and the next life. I know I sound crazy. But this is love. Love is crazy.

a/n: guys it's not incest they're not related and we'll see how so just read to the sequel please

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