Chapter 20//Me and Ethan Down in the School Yard

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Bree's POV:
Yesterday was magic and heart break. The kiss was so..........surprising. Neither of us knew it was coming. It was all I could think of for 24 hours! On the bus, in the car, at home, during dinner, at school. All the time, it was my brain filled with the scent of his chap stick and the feeling of his soft lips. I couldn't comprehend how crazy it was that I kissed my brother. My blood brother! It was all so crazy, but I was crazy. Well, crazy in love.

At school I was in Study Hall with Ethan. I loved the way he walked. With his hand just hanging on the his book so carefully......what am I thinking? I'm very crazy and not just in love. Ethan and I were almost done with our math homework, and school was almost over for the day.

"Oh I think the answer is 37," I heard Ethan suggest as I glanced up at him. My expression was confused as I asked, "How did you get that?" I heard footsteps enter the quiet room and I knew who it was. Leo, of course it was Leo. I could tell who it is just by the way his shoes touch the pavement. "Bree, are you almost done?" I heard his cracking voice ask. I nodded and continued to write down problems. Some people say I'm pretty smart, but I'm no Chase.

Soon Ethan and I were done and the bell rang. Leo was waiting for me by my locker. "What do you want, Leo?" I asked, groaning at the sight of his smirk. "Chase just wanted me to ask you something," he said with the smirk still across his face. I glanced around. "Uh, what-what is it?" I asked innocently. "He is wondering what happened yesterday and if you would talk to him back home. Oh and what did happen last night?" He answered and asked in his nosy way. I glanced at Chase across the room as I closed my locker, then I looked back at Leo. "Uh, sure, and nothing happened." I walked away and put the front doors to the parking lot.

//Chase's POV:
I'm so confused about yesterday! One second we're "breaking up" then the next we have a magical kissing moment? We really are crazy! But no matter how crazy we are, it still happened and we still wanted to do it. Both break up and kiss, but there still is one thing bothering me. If she kissed me, does that mean she still wants to be with me? I'll just have to ask her myself. Or tell Leo to ask her to talk to me at home. Yes, that seems about right!

School was almost over and I sent Leo over to Bree. Now all I needed to do was prepare. I know that we broke up, but I need Bree. I need her around more than a sister. I still want her in my my girlfriend. I'm going to ask her if she wants to be together again. I know she'll probably say no, but I'm confident and I'm not wasting this enthusiasm!

I hurriedly packed up the stuff from my locker and speed walked to the bus. I usually ride with Tasha, but today was different. I'm going to get the woman of my dreams back!

As I stepped onto the steps of the bus I saw the yellow paint and the black words: Mission Creek High. The bus got to the house faster than Tasha, which was ironic because of all of the stops it had to make. To be fair, the driver did go faster than the limit.


After only three minutes and fourth nine seconds, I was at my stop. It was only a block away from the house, but I wasn't worried. Tasha was probably still at the school!

I got my best shirt, tie, cologne, and slacks. In the bathroom, I made sure my hair looked at its best. I checked my breath and I got my bouquet of flowers, and not just any flowers. Pink lilies, Bree's favorite.

I heard the Front door creak open. Here was my chance! I hurriedly went to the back terrace and stood in my place and did voice exercises. Bree noticed me and came to the terrace.

//Bree's POV:
What was this all about? I was confused but in a good way, I guess. "Okay, what did you want to talk about? And why do you look like your going to a funeral?" I asked looking all around Chase's outfit. He wore a slick navy blue shirt with a yellow tie and nice pants. He looked pretty nice and his hair was just.....cute I guess. "Oh, well I wanted to talk about us and, I wore this because....uh....I'll explain later," he said and grabbed my arm and moved behind the trees. Probably so no one inside could see us.

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