Chapter 16//Suspicious Much?

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A/N: Hey guys! Again, I am so sorry about the wait. I was busy with school and stuff, but here it is! Chapter 16 I think..........Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and I have some announcements to tell, but not yet. I'll tell you after this chapter. Enjoy, fishies. ~MJ💚

Bree's POV:
I woke from a loud beeping alarm. I thought my capsule was sound proof.... Wait, it is! I banged on the glass door of my capsule, it wouldn't budge. "Help! I'm trapped!" I yelled and screamed repeatedly. No one responded. Adam and Chase weren't even in their capsules. No one was in sight. The lab was completely vacant. There was even less equipment and technology in it too. I was so confused and worried at the same time. They wouldn't just leave me here alone in my capsule. "Chase! Leo! Adam!" I yelled, same response. Why can't anyone hear me? Oh yeah, that stupid alarm. Why is it going off? "Mr. Davenport! HELP!" I screamed and screamed! No one was coming for me. Suddenly, I felt different. Everything was fading to black.
    Things added back to color, but I wasn't in the lab anymore. I was on the living room couch. I turned my head to see Chase and Tasha dabbing wet towels on my head. "Tasha! Chase!" I yelled with hope. I tried to get up, but I felt too much pain. Tasha was pushing me down while I attempted getting up again. "Sorry Bree, we don't want you to get up until everything gets clearer to you." Tasha said while putting the wet towel on my four head. I protested, "But Tasha, I have to-" She cut me off and finished, "Anything you think you have to do can wait. We are worried about your health." I was confused again. Why was I here? How did I get here? At least Chase was here. He would tell me. Tasha said that she'd be right back. She went to get Mr. Davenport. Chase approached the couch and knelt down to my level. "Chase, why am I here? How did I get here?" I asked him and he grabbed my hand replied, "Bree, while we were coming up the elevator, you suddenly fell to the ground." What? How is that possible? I was in the lab with the alarm! "But Chase, I was in my capsule and I was trapped. No one could hear me and their was a loud alarm." Chase's expression copied mine. He replied, "Bree, that never happened. I'm gonna scan your chip for any brain trauma." I nodded and he put his two fingers to his temple. As he scanned, I squeezed his hand tightly in fear. When he was finished, he knelt down close to my side. He didn't seem scared or dissapointed. "What was there?" I asked and loosened my squeeze. "My bionics detected some thing in your dreams. Lately, your dreams have been very traumatic and stressful. According to my calculations, you are having these dreams because your scared of something being destroyed or something bad happening to your relationship with someone." Chase informed me. He was right. Ever since Chase and I kinda became something, I worry that someone is going to find out or that something will happen to Chase. I don't want to loose my relationship with him. I don't want it to be just a brother and sister relationship. "Wait, so your saying that, that was all a dream?" I asked, propping up myself on a pillow and Chase helped me. "Well, yes. That never happened in reality, but if I run some more tests, we could come to the conclusion of why you are having these and what they are. Maybe they could even be little glimpses or the future or your conscience creating scenarios of what would happen if you did loose a loved one." He replied. Wow, so I can see the future?! Or that other thing.
"I'm scared."
"To confess, so am I."
"Yeah. I mean, if anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do, but don't worry, Mr. Davenport will know what to do." Chase admitted. He cares for me. I care for him. He's not helping me just because I'm his sister. I'm also his "girlfriend" kinda, I guess. He will know what to do, he is the smartest man in the world.
//Chase's POV:
Ever since Bree fell unconscious in the elevator, I've been so worried about her. I even skipped school to stay with her. She means so much to me. I found other things in her chip, but I don't know how she would handle it. "Bree, We are going to help you. I am going to help you. Because, I love you. I do; a lot." As I said that, Tasha and Davenport came into the living room. My mind went to full panic! What if they thought I loved her as a boyfriend would?! They can't know about us!
    I used my bionics to hear what they were saying. "Aw, that's so cute. Chase loves his sister." Tasha whispered to Davenport. Phew! I was worried she would think I loved her a different way. I do love Bree in different ways; I love her as a brother would love her, and I lover her as maybe her boyfriend would too. Bree leaned closer to me and said, "I love you too, Chase." She pecked my cheek. My entire face went red. If Davenport and Tasha got suspicious, we would be dead meat. I let her kiss me anyways. It was just a little kiss on the cheek, so it wasn't that suspicious. I glanced up at Tasha and Davenport. Tasha turned to him with a hand on her chest. I couldn't hear because I wasn't using my bionics, but I could tell she as expressing how she thought it was cute that we were so close as brother and sister, but little does she know. Little does the world know. If they only knew, they would just be jealous of us. That song! I remember last week when Bree and I danced to it. I guess that really was our song. I do wish that I could tell the world that she's mine.

A/N: Okay, so now that you've read the chapter, I have some news..............................I'm going to make this a series! After this book is done, which it will be done by the time I write chapters to season 3, I will publish the next book in the series, They Don't Know About Us-Bionic Island. I can't wait! After that book is finished, guess what...........*drum roll*........I'm going to write and publish They Don't Know About Us-Elite Force! Exciting right?! I hope you guys are as excited as I am! On the Tap app, I will publish a text series of Bree and Chase during the Bionic Island "era". I will publish it when I get to that book. I'm also writing a fanfic of Elite Force, and the same brase story will be in it. I Can't WAIT! I love comments, so if you have any questions or ideas, please tell me about them, and don't forget to vote! Bye Fishies~ MJ💚

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