draco drama

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Thursday. slytherin day today. i get dressed in my robes and head out for breakfast. i go get my homework from grant(as a excuse to see him.). then i head to sit with Draco. today's schedule is :double potions
double charms

yay! double potions.(not).

so me and Draco headed to the dungeons. we set up our cauldron and gathered the ingredients.for some strange reason snape wasn't their yet. but we were their a bit early. Draco decided to try and talk now.

"so what where you thinking about Monday?" he asked casually

"you wouldn't want to know it's really petty and girl feelingy "

"but i do want to know, i care about you alot, permana, and i dont tend to care about people, i want and need to know whats going on."

"are you sure?"


"OK so i was thinking about some nightmares I've been having, school, past events, and my girly feelings."

"which are?"

"crushes, dealing with bullies that sort of thing."

"and who might these crushes be?"

"i'll tell you tonight or if we can go somewhere more private."


thankfully snape walked in at that moment so then we only talk like once or twice to pass something. mostly we knew what the other wanted somehow. transfiguration went by uneventfully.  afterword we went to charms.we were practicing stunning spells. i missed the cushions. Draco told flitwick he was taking me to the hospital wing . he actually toke me to the place i was last night with grant.he healed me up then undid the stunning spell. he said :

"tell me now, we are in a private, tell me, please"

"which do you want to know first?"

" what past events were you thinking about?"

"when i was nine, i was put in the foster care system.."

"the what?"

"its where you go if you are orphaned or the government takes you away from your parents, or you get abandoned."

"oh. go on"

"anyway, i was put in the foster care system because the government toke me away from my mother. one of the homes i was put in was abusive. i was hit, kicked, smacked, you name it, they did it. one night when they were beating me,they said"no wonder your mother and father abandoned you , your a no good piece of shit" i yelled " no im not and my mother and father didn't abandon me" "liar" they shouted and punched my nose, breaking it. i got so mad i pushed them away and their cloths caught fire. i ran down a street in London and i saw a place called the Leakey cauldron. i went in there. soon my owl came with a letter from my mom and dad. it said i could come home.. since it's linked, i'll tell you about the nightmare. in the nightmare, i was lighting all the people i care about on fire, and i was laughing."

all that time i hadn't realized that i was silently crying. he pulled me into his arms and comforted me.

"it's OK, it's OK."

i started sobbing.

" hey,hey,hey it's OK, it's OK."


"shush,shush,shush, hey, hey, hey, everything is all right"

eventually i calmed down enough.  since the bell rang was about to ring, so we went to the library to do the homework. i helped him with the transfiguration homework, he helped me with the potions essay, we both didn't get our charms homework so we headed to get the notes and the homework from flitwick.when we finished getting the homework, we went to dinner. we were a little late so thankfully blaise saved us a seat next to him.

"so where did you guys go during charms. i saw you head in the opposite way of the hospital wing right before i was stunned by ron. "

"why did you partner up with ron?"

"because he looked lonely." he shrugged

"we went to a place where we could talk in privet then to the library to do homework and then got the notes and homework from flitwick to work on after dinner."


  we finished dinner in silence. then went to the slytherin common-room to do the charms homework. 

"hey Draco, could you help me with my astronomy homework?"


when we finished, it was only 7:30, so we just slightly snuggle on his bed(same rules in each house, the girls can go to the boys dormitory but the boys cant go to the girls). im laying my head in his lap of his crisscrossed legs.

"so what do you want to know now?"

"how about your "girly feelings""

"fine. the as you say"girly feelings" are the feelings i have for people."

"so basically crushes?"

"yes crushes"

"who are they?"

i sit up and face him, blushing.

"fine. you,harry, grant, an angel named hector"

"oh. well i like you to." 

 when we finished we said goodnight and went to our dorms. before i laid down i wrote something in my diary.  as soon as i laid down and cuddled my stuffed animals(come on i can have stuffed animals) i fell right asleep. to bad it didn't stay peaceful. 

i was heading to moaning myrtles bathroom. when i got to a certain bathroom sink, i spoke "open" it opened and a snake came out then i heard a scream. then i was i a wooden house and harry, Draco, my mom, grant, ron, hermione, mr.rook, Ginny, neville, Luna, cho, Fred and George, Hannah, Susan, blondy,and a bunch more. i first touched everyone, setting them on fire. then i started laughing. then i set the house on fire. i sat there watching them burn, while laughing. 

i woke up to someone shaking me, yelling "permana, wake up. it's just a dream!"

i sat bolt up with my eyes wide open to see it was blondy who shoke me awake. she and me share a dorm when its my slytherin night. 

"are you OK? you where tossing and turning and muttering, then laughing wickedly."

"yeah, im OK."

just then we heard shouts from out side the portrait. we ran out to see what it was about. 

"there's been another attack.."

i completely pale.

"who was it this time?"

"grant scamander."

i fall to the floor and faint. before i hit the ground, someone catches me. i look up just before i faint. it was Draco.

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