permana's diary

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note: this is written from permana's diary. so it is written from her and the diary. instead of using full name's i will write p for permana and d for diary.


p- so today i was so tired that harry had to take me to the room of requirements to sleep more. then during history of magic i slept more. after lunch, me, harry, draco, hermione, blaise,blondy, Luna, and Ginny went to see giant spiders. 

d- was one of them named aragog?

p-yes. then me and my friends after talking to aragog went and spent the evening by the lake. after playing a little truth or dare i went and sketched a little and colored it in. hermione came over and looked alittle and she really liked them. you remember me telling you that shes muggle-born? that means she has seen profesinal art before so it means alot. then she got up and started running to the school yelling"how could i have not seen it before!" i dont know what, but shes like that. shes really smart. then i started to talk to you.

d-ok. go to sleep.


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