the dream

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Draco's pov:

we all came out of the dorms to see what the commotion was.

"there was another attack."

i looked over at permana. she went from red from embarrassment to sickly pale white. "i wonder what's the matter with her?" i wonder i my head.

"who was it this time?"

"grant scamander."oh no. that kid that permana has a crush on. i look over to see how permana reacted. i looked over in time to see her start to fall. i rush over to catch her before she hits the floor. before she faints she looks into my eyes.

i rush out of the portrait hole and take her to the hospital wing. i set her gently on a bed and go get madam pomfrey. while i wait for madam pomfrey to get fully awake and see whats wrong with her, i look around the room and see grant he is looking at a book with the word diary on it. before going to look at whats written, i look around and see that there is a figure that is completely black, and i mean black. i get closer and see that it's the bloody baron. then i go to look whats in the diary. 


so today something happened. in transfiguration i was partnered with permana. she seemed a little distracted. then when it was her turn to try to transfigure the cup, she missed it and the spell grazed my arm and burned me. i asked what was wrong and she said she was just thinking. i grabbed her hands, her eyes opened wide and she was blushing. i asked what she was thinking about.before she could answer mcgonagal came by and told us to get back to work. i made sure that Wednesday was her night i ravenclaw tower and to talk to me before astronomy . she said she would.


it happened. i talked to permana. in history of magic she had yelled out "I SAID NOT NOW!"

she then blushed and asked if she could go to the bathroom. a minute later i asked to go to the bathroom. i then followed her. when i caught up to her she was flustered. i asked if she was OK and she said, taken aback, yeah im fine. then i asked what had happened back there.she thought for a moment and said she was half asleep and half in a nightmare, and then there was a bugging angel.

i thought "i wonder if that's the angel she was talking about."

i asked what angel. this is exactly our conversation after that.

 "its complicated."

"we got time, i studied it all before so i know it."

"you sure?"


"so i can connect to spirits using a luige board. you know what it is, right?"


"so one day i was using the board and the spirit was an angel. he said my great-grandma sent him back after 1 hour of being in heaven, after two days of being an angel on the plains. she had told him to meet me if i used the board. after that i just could talk to him whenever i wanted, sadly so could he. and that's part of it. have you had enough of my weirdness yet, or do you want to hear more?"

"i have to admit, that was pretty weird. but i want hear more."

"you sure this gets really personal."

"if you dont want to share..."

"no im fine. i just dont want to bore you"

"you can't bore me."

"OK. i also went in a nightmare. this part is a memory . when i was young, i was put in foster care. the government had taken me away from my mother. one of the homes i was put in was abusive. i was hit, smacked, kicked, you name it, they did it. i was 9 when it happened. one night when they were beating me,they said"no wonder your mother abandoned you , your a no good piece of shit" i yelled " no im not and my mother didn't abandon me" "liar" they shouted and punched my nose, breaking it. i got so mad i pushed them away and their cloths caught fire. i ran down a street in London and i saw a place called the Leakey cauldron. i went in there. soon my owl came with a letter from my mom(who is a witch). it said i could come home. in the nightmare i was lighting all the people i care about on fire while laughing."

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