the fate of the school rest's on my shoulders

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harry's pov:

so me and ron went up to see hermione to see if she might have left any clues to what was happening..she had a paper in her hand that was a page from a book. 

the basilisk has poison eyes and venom. scared of chickens and spiders flee from it.
then i her hand writing was the word pipes.

"it all makes sense. the monster is a basilisk. that's what permana has been letting out. the reason no one has died is they haven't looked it in the eye. and it get's around using the pipes.

we were about to go tell mcgonagal but  then


we went to the teacher's lounge and hid in a closet.

"it's happened. a girl has been taken to the chamber. there's a new message that says''her body will rot in the chamber forever''."

"who was it?"

"permana marker"

i slid down the wall in a faint.

permanas pov:

when i woke up i got dressed and quickly wrote in my diary and left a note for the others. then i went to outside myrtles bathroom. i used chicken blood to write the last message. and went to the chamber with my diary and my bunny. when i got there tom riddle came out of the diary. i was able to stay concuss for a little while. i heard him say that if i stay put then the school would not be harmed. fail to and everyone i care about would die from me. i went unconscious at the end of the chamber still holding my bunny.

draco's pov:

when nether harry or permana came back i started to get worried.i looked over where permana's owl had been all day. for the first time i saw a piece of paper. when i unfolded it, it had permana's handwriting.

dear draco, harry, and all my friends,

i've gone to the chamber. dont try to save me, it will only make things worse. i have to do this to protect you and the rest of the school. i am truly sorry for all the trouble and pain i've caused.

yours truly,


 i started to go find harry but just then ron helping  harry in. he seemed very faint.

" the.............chamber........... must go........... save her..........."

"i know harry, she left a note. it warned us not to come. but im going anyway"

"not..... without..... me." 

"it's ok mate. i'll go with him. you stay here." ron said

"No im feeling better. Me and draco will go. You stay here."

"No mate. Im coming."

"Fine. We'll all go." and harry threw the invisibility cloak over the three of them. Then we went to myrtles bathroom.

Sorry for the short chapter. But it will be worth it. Trust me

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