The chamber

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Harry's pov:

We left to go to myrtle's bathroom under the invisibility cloak. When we got there, the sinks was open to a big drainage pipe. We slide down it to this big chamber. It was very moist and damp. We started walking down the large hallway,with our eyes squinted. We reached a large room with a door tat had a lot of snakes on it. I knew what to do. I went to the door and said in paseltongue:


The door opened to this large chamber with a statue of Salazar slytherin and a lot of pillars that look like snakes. I felt Draco and Ron shiver.  I noticed a body on the floor. I ran to the body.

"Please don't be dead permana." I felt Draco come over to me. " oh god" 

"She's alive, but only just" we heard a voice say. We turned around to see who it was. It was a teenage boy. 

"Who are you?" 

He took out his wand and write in the air 

Tom mavolo riddle

Then he flicked the wand again an the letter shuffled

I am lord Voldemort.

He then said in paseltongue "come to me". All of a sudden, the mouth of slytherin opened and this big snake came out. Then Fawkes came and dropped the sorting hat in my lap. I realized that tom had my wand. Draco had went off to fight tom, Ron went to try to help permana. I then saw a diary on the floor next to her. It was glowing. 

I picked up the hat and reached into it, on a hunch. I grabbed something from the hat and pulled it out. It was a sword. I charged the snake saying"bad snake" before stabbing it threw the skull.  As it died, I saw Draco falter and fall. He did not get up. I ran to be sure that he was ok. Then I got an idea. I left him and ran to the basilisk and grabbed some of its fangs. I then ran to the diary, and stabbed it. I heard a shriek as ink ran out of the diary. When the shrek's stopped, tom was gone. Permana had started to stir.  I grabbed my wand a woke Draco up. We went over to see how permana was doing. She was a little tired and drained, but otherwise, she was fine. I picked her up bridal style and headed to the pipe. When we got there, Fawkes was there and had me hold his tail. Draco grabbed my foot and Ron grabbed Draco's hand. Fawkes then flew us out of the pipes and into dumbledore's office. 

Permana' s pov:

When I woke I was in Harry's arms. I curled closer to him, shivering. When we got to dumbledore's office, I was greeted by cries of joy and hugs from my parents and my little brother, james, who's 10. harry put me down in a chair.

"so who had opened the chamber?" "tom marvolo riddle." they all gasped except dumbledore. "he came from a diary that permana had been writing in all year and it had been responding." draco handed the diary to dumbledore. " mr. weasly, you and mr. malfoy should head to the hospital wing and get cleaned up. it's my understanding that the others should be awake soon." they headed out of the room." mr lupin and mrs marker you can head home, i think it's about time for james to go to bed, don't you?" they gave me a hug, thanked harry and told me to thank draco and ron, and left. now it was only me and harry with dumbledore. 
"so how did you guys defeat tom?" " well fawkes came with the sorting hat and i reached into the hat and pulled out this sword. i then charged the snake and killed it. draco had stumbled after fighting tom and went unconscious. ron's wand is broken and tom had my wand. i saw the diary, picked it up, and stabbed it with a basilisk fang. there was shrieks and tom was gone. i woke up draco and we went and saw how permana was doing. i picked her up, and headed for the pipe. when we got there fawkes was there, so i grabbed him with permana, draco grabbed my ankle and ron grabbed his hand. then we got here." harry answered. he looked tired i stood and had him sit in my chair. i sat on his lap and curled into him. dumbledore sat for a few minutes then explained how tom had came from the diary. he then said that there was going to be a feast, and shooed us to get ready. we walked to the room of requirement to change, well he walked while carrying me, because i was still a little wossy. when we got there we grabbed our clothes and went into separate bathrooms to shower and get dresses. while showering i had to lean against the wall and i had trouble getting my dress on, but that was it. when we left, we laughed because we matched. i was able to walk but i was leaning on him for support.  when we got to the great hall, no one was sitting at the correct tables so we sat with our friends. i saw that grant was there , and went and hugged him and hermione. i sat next to him.

"so are you ok?" i ask him.

"yeah.are you? i heard what had happened."

"yeah." after that we didn't really talk much after that. dumbledore said that we all could stay in the room of requirement till next year and that exams were canceled. when we all got back to the room with grant, me,ginny, harry, ron, hermione, fred and george, luna,draco and blondy,  talked for a little. we decided that we should make our own group like the marauders. like james/prongs, sirius/padfoot, remus/moony,peter/wormtail, blondy sr/ foxy, and peace/snowy. "ok what should be our name?" ginny asked. "how about the marauders the next generation?" "Sure" we wrote our names down on a piece of parchment. We decided to become animagi. Before summer came, we went through the process of becoming animagus. me and grant became snow leopard, ginny, ron, fred and george became weasel's, harry a horse, hermione a cat, luna a rabbit, blondy jr a fox, and Draco a ferret. I am snowy, grant is white, Harry is trot, hermione is cat, blondy is foxy,  Draco is ferret,fred is prankster 1 and george is prankster 2, ron is weasel,ginny is lynx . We made sure that we could owl all summer, and arrange meetings and stayings. When we got to the platform, our parents were there. Mine were talking to blondy's mom and dad. We went and hugged our parents and introduced each other. Apparently,  my mom and dad are the Remus lupin and peace marker. We just went by my mom's name. And blondy's mom is the blondy and her dad is sirius. We had arranged it that harry and draco after a week at there family would be coming to my house. Grant lives down the street from me so I can see him anytime. The others we will owl and set up meetings and find out from there.

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