hermione hurt

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the next to days were uneventful, except the fact that both nights i had nightmare which were slowly becoming worse. i hadn't written in my diary for a few days. so monday came by thankfully because i was getting bored.  when i went to the slytherin table, draco had saved us seats by our friends. 

"hey guys."

"hey permana"

i sit next to draco and hug him. i then hug all my friends(im a hugger) i then start eating breakfast.the first class we had was potions. we head down to the dungeons.i then set up next to draco. soon after that snape had us get to work. when we were done it was time for the next class because it was a harder potion. by the time we finished charms it was lunch both me and draco weren't hungry, so we headed down to see hagrid with hermione and blaise. on the way we saw a bunch of spider heading for the forest.  we didn't really think about it. we got to hagrids and he open the door yelling"i didn't open the chamber, it wasn't him"

"whats going on hagrid"

"oh. that you guys had heard rumors going around. come in."

we followed him in. he seemed very nervous. 

"hagrid do you know some thing about the attacks?"

"not really. but you just need to follow the spiders"

just then the bell rang so we hurried off to the common-room. draco helped me with the potions homework i helped him with his other homework. we cuddled a bit. and i asked him the same thing i asked harry, to go to the room of requirements to do the same. i didn't have a nightmare.the next day i  went and sat with harry.

"want to go follow the spiders after classes?"


all the classes passed by in a blur.literally. i dozed off in transfiguration, which i do not recommend.  i fell asleep on top of what we were trying to transfigure. just when harry had been about to cast the spell, thankfully he could quickly change the spell he was going to use. he stupefied me. then he picked me up  bridel style and toke me to the room of requirements and unstupefied me. i stayed asleep so he went back to class. after class he woke me up and carried me to the next class which sadly was history of magic. but i got to sleep a little longer. then was lunch. he made me eat. then we headed out with hermione, draco, blaise, blondy, Luna, and Ginny . we followed the spiders to a hollow with these giant spiders. we talked to a spider named aragog. when we learned what we needed he tried to give us to his children to eat but with all of us we fought them off and ran to the edge of the forest. then hermione healed any injury. we were going to spend the rest of the day by the lake so i went to get my diary and my sketch book.when i got back they were playing truth or dare. 

"truth or dare, harry?"


"i dare you to kiss permana."

he had to because wizard truth or dare is binding, not that we minded.

"truth or dare permana?" harry asked


"i dare you to kiss draco in the lake passionately for five minuets, tongues and all." 

so me and draco toke our robes off and got in with our regular clothing on and did what he dared. it was really nice.

"truth or dare draco?"


"i dare you to kiss harry for 1 minute."

and they did. they were blushing by the end. we had a picture and were laughing our heads off.i toke a break and drew in my sketch book the lake, harry and me kissing, me and draco in the lake kissing, and harry and draco kissing. i painted and colored them in. hermione decide to take a break and came to sit where i was. she looked over my shoulder and gasped.

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