Consumed by Darkness (Chapter 5)

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Nate blinked, bewildered by what he had just seen. He was now in a city. However, the city was obviously somewhere in the past. There were no cars, just horse-drawn carriages. And the streets were busy with street merchants and beggars. Down the street, Nate saw Lucas, sitting in a shaded alley. He wasn't begging but he did look pitiful. The boy looked like he hadn't eaten for days, maybe weeks. His skin had lost much of it's healthy color as well.

A tall red-headed man ran past Nate. The man was obviously wealthy, judging by his expensive looking waistcoat and pocket watch. The man looked oddly familiar and had a strange look on his face. Nate thought that it was something in between anger, pity, and curiosity. The man walked straight towards Lucas and Nate followed.

"Lucas!" the boy looked up just in time to get a slap to the face. "Where have you been! I have been worried about you!" Lucas looked amazed and unable to speak.

Finally, he said arrogantly, "I don't know who you are or how you know my name but you shouldn't go around hitting random people!" Lucas looked away as if hurt by his own words.

The man looked hurt as well, "Do you not remember me at all? It's me, Seamus! I guess it has been a few years but even so, I'm you're brother!"

Lucas looked surprised for a moment before recovering. "What about the fire?" he asked smugly. "How did you survive?"

Seamus thought for a moment. "I don't remember how we escaped but we did. All except Mom. Ever since, Dad has made me focus on my studies and has forbidden magic." He paused. "Dad died a few years ago too. But enough about that! How come you look like you haven't aged a day!?! Is it some sort of disease?"

Lucas sighed. "you know as well as I do that this is some sort of magic. Also, I no longer am a part of you're family, nor will I ever want to be! Now go away please!" Lucas tried to run away but Seamus forced him back to the ground.

"I will not let you get away from me Lucas! We can fix what has happened to you! I am sure that if we take you to a good doctor than..." Lucas, who looked quite angry now, interrupted him.

"I am just fine! You are the one who has left everything we once held dear behind! I don't need a doctor! And I don't need you as a brother! You betrayed me when I needed you most!" Lucas' eyes were now filled with tears. "You could have just accepted me and been supportive! But you let them send me away! You are no brother of mine! I wish you would just DIE!" Lucas yelled before he ran off, pushing Seamus aside as he passed. Seamus tried to run after him but didn't see a horse running towards him. The next thing Nate knew, Seamus had been trampled by the run-away horse.

Everything dissolved again and Nate found himself in a city again. However, this time, it looked like the early 1900's New York. He saw Lucas right next to him and jumped. He didn't expect him to be so close. Lucas suddenly turned and ran into a dark alley. Nate followed him and quickly realized that he wasn't the only one chasing the boy. Right along side of him were three tall me , two with dark brown hairs and eyes and the other a red-head with green eyes.

The alley ended up in a dead end. Lucas was cornered. However, he didn't seem to be putting up a fight. The red-headed man stepped forward. He was hold a pair of cuffs that were obviously made of dwarfish craftsmanship. These men knew what they were doing.

The man spoke in a heavy Irish accent. "Fir generations, my family has been trying to capture you, Lucas McLyons." The man spat the name. "You have killed a many of us and it is time to take you into custody, where you will no longer be able to hurt any one anymore.

Lucas just smiled smugly. "You do realize that I'm family too." the man laughed at that.

"You may be my great-great-uncle or something but you are not my family." The man placed the cuffs on Lucas' hands and pushed him forward, leading him to what looked like a milk truck.

Nate watched the truck as everything dissolved and he was back in the s all room, looking at the warlock. Nate knew that Lucas had let himself be caught. The only question was why.

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