Consumed by Darkness (Chapter 6)

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Back at the Mason house, Lucas woke up with the sunlight shining in his eyes. Lucas groaned as pulled his cloak's hood over his eyes. He tried to go back to sleep but heard footsteps outside his door. The footsteps stopped, then Lucas heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" he called. Gennie walked in carrying a plate with some toast. Lucas blinked. This was the first time he had a good look at the girl. She had blonde hair that seemed to shine like gold in the sunlight. Her blue eyes were warm and inviting.

Lucas shook his head and looked at Gennie expectantly. Gennie took a deep breath as she handed Pucas the plate.

"Today I start school" she started before pausing. Lucas nodded as he took a bite of his toast. He had overheard something about a school last night before he drifted off to sleep again. Gennie continued. "I was wondering if you would like to go too? Mom said it would be ok until we can figure out what to do. But she said I should still ask if it would be alright with you."

Lucas was shocked but tried not to show it. He had never been to school before and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like. However, he also knew that the Organization would be looking for him at this very minute. Lucas looked at Gennie, who was waiting expectantly.

Lucas sighed. "Fine. When do we leave?" Gennie smiled in relief.

"In twenty minutes! I'll bring you some of Daniel's old clothes." Gennie left in a hurry, leaving Lucas to finish his breakfast.

A few minutes later, Gennie came in with a bundle of clothes in her arms. She placed them on the bed and said that she will wait outside the door for him to get changed.

Lucas looked at the clothes. There were a couple of shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of socks, and a pair of tennis shoes. There was also a black sweatshirt. The shirts were green and dark red, respectively. Lucas put on the dark red shirt and pulled the black sweatshirt over it. He made sure to pull the black hood over his head before exiting the room and joining Gennie.

Gennie led Lucas down the stairs and out the front door. They went so fast that Lucas didn't have time to catch his breath.

A school bus was waiting right outside the house. Gennie and Lucas stepped onto the bus. Lucas was amazed. There were teenagers everywhere. Bit brawny guys sat next to a few girls who held puffy things in there hands. Some kids with severe acne and glasses sat near the front. Gennie led Lucas towards a seat in the the back. As they passed the big brawny guys, one of them stretched his leg in the middle of the aisle, tripping Lucas.

Lucas fell hard on the floor, his hood falling off his head. He felt anger the anger swell up inside of him. Lucas took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It wasn't easy since practically everyone in the bus was laughing at him.

Lucas got up and kept his head down as he continued to follow Gennie to an empty seat at the back of the bus. Gennie was looking at Lucas with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright?" she asked apologetically.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me." Lucas smiled cheerfully at Gennie, although he didn't feel cheerful at all. "It'll take more than that to upset me."

It was lunch time already. Lucas had a pretty easy day so far. The teachers were mostly boring but they all seemed to like him. Lucas smiled. "Of course they would! My charm spell hasn't failed me before!" he thought to himself.

The lunch lady flopped some weird goop onto his lunch tray and Lucas went to find a table to sit at. He saw Gennie at a table at the far end of the room.

As Lucas walked across the cafeteria, the big brawny guy from the bus blocked his path.

"What's up, pipsqueak?" he said in a gruff voice. "You got a little something on you." Lucas looked down.

"I don't see anything." The big guy sneered.

"Sure you do! It's right there!" The big guy flipped Lucas' lunch tray so that all of the food got all over him.

Lucas closed his eyes as the cafeteria bursted with laughter. The big guy kept going. "Awwww. The big baby is about to cry!" Everyone in the cafeteria roared. "So what ya goin' to do about it, pipsqueak?"

Lucas looked up at the bully's face. His hood covered his eyes but Lucas knew that they must have been flashing red. Lucas didn't care as he smiled arrogantly at the bully.

"I think that you're the baby. After all, you can't even eat you're food without making a mess." Suddenly, someone lunch tray flew at the bully, hitting him at the back of the head. The big bully turned around.

"Whoever did that is gonna' pay!" he yelled before turning back to Lucas. "Don't think that this is over yet, pipsqueak!" Then the bully walked away, his group of cronies following him.

Lucas laughed silently as he sat down next to Gennie, who had been silently watching this entire time. "This is gonna be fun" he thought to himself.

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