A little story

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Anika's hand was now bandaged and Shivaay was standing in front of her, whilst she was sitting on the bed. Shivaay was not making any eye contact with her.

Anika: What's your problem? Why do u interfere in my life so much. If i had fainted, you should have just left me there like you have right now in life...

Shivaay: Shut up okay!

Anika jerked back, she didnt expect Shivaay to react like this. He was holding her shoulders really tightly and his kanji eyes were now making direct contact with the Anika's innocent eyes.

Shivaay: If anything happened to you or the baby then what would have I-

He stopped there. He couldn't express that he cared for her. That wasn't Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Shivaay: I mean what would have happened to my family and they would have found out about your pregnancy. Now lie down and don't get out of this room and if anyone comes, pretend you are sleeping. I will get to cook to make some food and it to you. I am going out for some work and don't move.

He put so much emphasise on the word 'don't' and Anika could tell he was serious. She lay down with the blanket on her face and Shivaay walked out, turning off the lights and closing the door very tightly, although he didn't lock it.


Shivaay was driving on an isolated road all alone and he stopped in front of an old, rusty small building. It had a board hanging off the top, with a lot of dust on it, however it was still readable what the board had written. 'Panchgari Orphanage Centre.' There were many webs and a lot of dust everywhere which Shivaay had trouble being around because of his breathing problem. He got a hanky out and put it on his mouth. He walked inside the building and there was nothing, except a lonely figure standing in the corner. Shivaay couldn't its face but carefully walked over to it.

Shivaay: Who are you and what do you want?

Person: Oh Shivaay! Finally you are here. Finally the day has come after so many years of struggle and waiting. Can't wait to reveal everything!

Shivaay: Reveal what? And you come forward where there is light.

Person: This!

The figure approached where Shivaay could see it and it was holding a few papers and approaching very slowly. This was none other than Kamini!

Shivaay: You? What are you doing here? And what is your demand?

Kamini: Oh I don't have any demand, I just called you here to tell you some very important info.


A person calls shivaay and orders him to come at the Orphanage to reveal a very dark secret to him and if he didn't, it would be in front of the world in no time.

Flashback ends***

Kamini: I am sure you have seen these.

She handed Shivaay a few papers

Shivaay: Adoption papers? How did you get them?! 

Shivaay stepped closer to Kamini, dominating her with his kanji eyes, but she wasn't the one to get scares so easily.

Kamini: What happened?! Why are you so shocked? Don't you know who this belongs to? Do you want to know who got adopted in the Oberoi family?

Shivaay: What on earth are you talking about? No one got adopted in this family. Everyone jas the Oberoi blood running through their veins!

Kamini: Oh really?! Okay let me tell you a story. I was in a relationship once and both of us were extremely happy with each other. One night, the relationship got too far. I was devastated. Not just because we crossed the limits, but I had to face the consequences of it. I became pregnant with a child. I told him and he only said that he couldn't accept it. Not because he didn't want it, but because I did not belong to a high class family like him and he couldn't have a child with no lineage. I had no other option but to give birth to the child. Since I had extremely bad financial conditions, I couldn't afford to take care of the child, hence I gave him to the orphanage. I tried visiting him secretely everyday for many months. Although, when I went one day, he was no where to be found. I finally found out that had been adopted. Adopted by who, I didn't know. So I went on an investigation to find out. After a lot of struggle, I found out that he was adopted by my ex-boyfriend. I was hell surprised and shocked! How did he adopt a child from the orphanage? Apparently his wife couldn't conceive and she was also from a middle class family and they had no option but this. I am not sure why he still took the decision. Maybe it was pressure from the family, or god did some miracle and changed his thinking. God knows! 

Shivaay: And who are these people you have been talking about? Why would I cars about your life story?

Kamini: Why wouldn't you care? How can you say that?!!

Shivaay: Because I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi and I can say whatever I want!

Kamini: Let me tell you. You are not Shivaay Singh Oberoi. You never were, are not and never will be SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI!! 

Kamini held the papers right in front of Shivaay's face, with widened eyes and she was almost on the edge of yelling.


Shivaay gulped and jerked backwards, staring blankly at Kamini. He could see his surrounding spinning around him and it felt like everything was coming to an end. 

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