~ Chapter 4: My Conditions ~

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"Let's begin now, shall we?" A whole bunch of Koro-sensei's said.

My brow was twitching irritably as Koro-sensei explained that we were going to be studying for the upcoming exams. I didn't want to study, but you know Karma, he wasn't going to let me sleep today away so of course, I was left awake in a irritable state while also partly suffocating - Karma was basically the only one keeping me a tad sane. There was multiple Koro-sensei's everywhere, one with a different headband for each subject, plus Naruto. I had everything down packed, despite sleeping through most of his class, I knew the material like the back of my hand - I didn't know why but it probably had something to do with my 'previous' life. Koro-sensei said "Good work, Yoko. This reminds me, I need to talk to you after school," I nodded, knowing that it probably had to do something about my 'condition'.

I hated calling it a 'condition', it makes me sound like I have a disease or something but there was nothing else I could call it. I already knew that Karma was curious about whatever Koro-sensei had to talk to me about, he's usually eavesdropping or watching whatever I'm doing - it's a bit weird but whatever. So, after school ended I went to the faculty lounge to meet up with the principal of the school - I hated him like jack, his aura was awful. I said coldly "Good afternoon, Mr Asano."

"Good afternoon, Miss Akine. I hope things are going well, it's a shame that you have that condition, you were a promising student," that was the reason why I hated him. 

"I'm ashamed about it too, sir. But try as I might, it doesn't seem I can get them back but I can say my grades are quite top notch if I do say so myself. It was just my luck for missing the last exam," that was the only reason I was transferred to E Class, because I missed the last exam, so I was basically ranked last, which is why, I was in E Class.

"Well, I hope that's true. I'll shall be going now, it's good to see that you seem to be doing fine despite having a condition like that," he keeps talking about my condition, it's quite irritating. 

He left the room after giving the other staff his goodbyes. I clenched my fist as soon as he was out of sight, "Yoko?"

I looked over to the staff, "What now?"

Right, I forgot that Miss Irina doesn't know about my so-called condition yet. So, I had Karasuma and Koro-sensei explain it to her and she was like 'oh' and stuff. I sighed and said bluntly "So, what did you want to talk to me about, Koro-sensei?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could tell me if there has been any progress of getting your memories back?"

"None, nothing at all."

Yoko, I think it might be a good idea to at least give them some insight on how you are, even just a little.

Why? It's not like that would help much.

Just do it, trust me. 

I sighed internally, "Well, if you must know.... Not only has my memories have been gone... But the memories of feelings. I don't really have any feelings, I can't understand those concepts such as love and hate, I can understand irritation pretty well... But that's about it," they had shocked expressions, I guess they had no clue about that, meaning that the doctors didn't know about that either - they probably didn't think it was that bad. "Don't you dare give me any pity. I'm fine with it... For now. It'll take time, I know it will... But I will regain everything back.... So, is there anything else?"

Koro-sensei sorta spaced out a little but got back into society and said "Ah, yes. Someone has come to visit you, he was a good friend of yours before you were had that incident," it's funny that I don't remember what incident it was. "He should be arriving any minute now."

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