~ Chapter 6: Please, let me help you~

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I opened my eyes to see that I was in the inn. I sat up, a small flash going through my mind. I gasped slightly, putting a hand to my head. Stay calm... It's just a memory probably, nothing to panic about..

"Kanzaki and Yoko are in the top spot, no surprise there," eh?

"Well yeah, everyone likes Kanzaki and Yoko's pretty cute, and she's pretty nice once you get to know her," what the hell are they talking about?

"I know."

"Dudes, you're killing me. Can we just talk about who has the hots for who?" 

Oh~, that's what they're talking about - well, this is interesting. I crawled out of the room I was in and took a peek in the boys room. From the other side, I saw Karma just enter the room. "Karma, great timing. Which of the girls in our class do you like?"

Well, this is going to be fun, I have to know this one - be'd fun to tease him about it later. "Hmm... I believe i would have to go with Okuda."

"Dude, you're kidding, really?"

"Huh, interesting, but why Okuda?"

"She's a demon in chemistry, think of all the concoctions she could brew up to enhance my shenanigans. It'll be a match made in heaven," I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing my head off. 

"Yeah, heaven."

"But if I was really being serious about this - it would be--"

"EEK! What the hell, Koro-sensei!"

Everyone looked over to me and Koro-sensei, shoot...... I said "Don't mind us, just walking... By?"

I closed the door then gave Koro-sensei the death glare. I cracked my knuckles and said "You're dead."

The door opened behind me, I quickly ran off as the boys started chasing me - they were mainly after Koro-sensei. I stopped when I thought I was particularly safe, well, I thought..... "Found you," I jumped slightly, looking behind me to see Karma.

I said "You need something?" I sounded calm, but I was panicking inside.

His next words surprised me, "What happened?"


"What happened when you got captured?"

Oh... That... My eyes darken slightly as I looked at the ground. "I can't tell you that, it's... It's none of your business. Just leave it be," I turned around and started walking away.

However, Karma had other plans. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug. At this point, I was confused. "K-Karma, what the heck?"

"Just stop."


"Just stop hiding it. I know your in pain - mentally."

My eyes widen slightly, I didn't say anything. A few seconds later, "I don't know what your talking about, Karma. I'm perfectly fine. Just let it go," and leave me alone.

"You're lying," stupid jackass, just leave me be - I'm not worth your bloody time.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Just tell me.... I want to help you."

Lies. Why would you want to help me? 

"Everyone wants to help you, so stop locking yourself away from them."

That's all shit. What am I suppose to say? You want me to just tell them that I don't have any bloody memories or have any feelings for that matter? Is that what you want me to say? Well, guess what? I'm not.

"Just leave it, Karma. This is a waste of time," both mine and yours. "There's nothing to talk about," just let me go so I can go cry outside about how bad my bloody life is.

I felt someone approaching us and quickly tore away from Karma, giving him one last glance before jumping out the window and flipping onto the roof. "Dammit," I punched the roof 'softly'. "Why can't I do anything for myself, huh? Just why? I want someone to help me, but I just can't," tears fell down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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