Mountain training. (36)

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My eyes fluttered as sleep slowly slipped out of my grasp, I sat up and let out a yawn and stretched my arms towards the sky. I rubbed my eye and slowly looked over to my left, expecting to see a snoring Natsu but my bed was empty.  I slid out of bed and stood up, I adjusted my now crooked pyjamas.

It was pretty normal for Natsu to disappear in the early hours of the morning, he usually went for runs or just to go get food from the guild. I didn't really mind it, to be honest, it was always nice to have privacy to shower and get changed in the mornings.

I sleepily wandered into my bathroom as gripped the sink tightly as I tried not to collapse on the ground and just nap on the floor. I looked up into my mirror and sighed at the reflection that was staring at me, I was wrecked. I turned on the tap and put my hands under the cold water. I splashed my face with the ice cold water, I quietly yelled as I shook my head at the sudden temperature change, that sure woke me up.

I jumped into the shower, stepping into the stream of water, I instantly felt warmer and the water fell on my body, slipping down my legs before going down the drain. I grabbed my shampoo off one of the many shelves that littered my shower, I squeezed out the neon blue liquid - which smells amazing by the way - I rubbed my hands together, letting the shampoo bubble up.

When I finally finished my shower I stepped out and was extra careful not to slip on the water I somehow got everywhere, the last thing I needed was to hurt myself. I quickly wrapped a towel tightly around my body, and another around my hair.

I quickly got changed and dropped my towel on the ground, I'll pick it up later. I walked over to my calendar - which hung above my bed - to see if I had anything coming up soon. I add things as I know about them, so my calendar is pretty empty right now, I tend to find out about things like three days before it happens.

I have a tradition of leaving for a set of mountain ranges once a year or some training, nothing crazy, I just need to improve my skills, mainly stamina

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I have a tradition of leaving for a set of mountain ranges once a year or some training, nothing crazy, I just need to improve my skills, mainly stamina. I usually did these things alone, but maybe it was time to break my routine. Someone instantly came to mind and I grabbed my phone and selected their contract.

"If this call isn't about food, I don't care," Natsu said the second that he picked up.

"Natsu! It's me, can't you just listen?!" I groaned at his childish attitude.

"Unless 'me' is a new pizza chain, I still don't care," he said, instantly shooting me down.

"Argh, It's Y/N. It's important."

"I know it's you, I accepted the call after all. Anyway, what's up?"

"I'm leaving," I said, getting straight to the point.

"Great, and I need to know because?" I mean you'd think he'd care because I'm his girlfriend, but apparently, that isn't enough for him.

"I'm leaving to train in the mountains for a few days," I explained.

Enemies at Heart // Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now