Table jumping (34)

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I pulled my hoodie further over my head, hiding my face in the shadows it cast. I was in a depressing mood and I really didn't want to talk to anyone, when I was wearing a hoodie, it was basically code to the rest of my guild that I wanted to be left alone.

Glared at the chocolate ice-cream in front of me, almost wishing for them to burn as I grabbed the spoon and shoved some into my mouth. I chewed through the pain of my brain freeze, pulling a strange face as I tried to get rid of the odd burn. I've had been forcing Mira to make be comfort food - mainly just ice-cream sundaes.

My hair was barely brushed, I hadn't really put on any makeup and my eyes were dull, glazed over with the tears I had long ago shed. I wasn't necessarily a shell, but I wasn't completely like myself. I would probably be fine in a few days, it was just that the sting of my wounds still lingered. A constant reminder of the silence that fell in the room that Natsu and I stood in not too long ago.

The quiet hum of regular guild life filled my senses, Mira laughing, the quiet sounds of book pages flipping as Lucy and Levy read, and the occasional cough or sniffle. I haven't seen Natsu since we fought, I don't know what he's doing but I don't think that I want to know, it would probably only make things worse.

I fiddled with my spoon, twisting and turning it in the ice-cream, watching as it slowly melted, I became almost mesmerised by the swirling patterns and strawberry mixed with chocolate. So much that I almost didn't notice the redhead walk into the guild... almost. His sunken, sleep-deprived eyes meeting my puffy red ones. Time seemed to stop as we saw each other, it was just us.

My heart picked up as he tried to send me a smile, it was barely even a smile. He just looked up from the ground slightly, the corner of his mouth turning upwards. He looked innocent and honestly adorable. He took a few long strides towards me, stopping just short of the chair across from me. "May I?" He whispered, his voice cracked as he asked. He sounded broken.

"Y-yeah." An awkward and uncomfortable atmosphere filled the air around us as we sat in silence, me staring at my spoon like it was the most interesting thing in the universe and Natsu staring down at his hands.

He looked up at me, taking a deep breath as he slowly started talking "Look about yest-" I cut him off.

"I doesn't matter," I replied all too quickly.

"Wait... really?" He didn't sound hopeful per say, more confused and slightly happy.

"Yeah, I offered you my heart and you shattered it, what's done is done."

His face instantly dropped, looking like I had just ripped a kitten in half in front of him. "Y/N... I was scared-" I cut him off again before he could explain.

"Scared of what? That you might Actually have feelings for me!" I yelled a bit too loud, causing some of the guild members to give us weird looks.

"No.. it's just that Lucy was nearby... and there were people around..." He whispered, not looking up at me.

"Maybe if you can't admit that you love me in front of Lucy of all people, you don't love me." I stopped for a moment before another thought popped into my head, one that made my blood boil. "And Maybe if you're so scared about her option, she's the one you care about." My eyes narrowed as I crossed my legs and looked away, sticking up my nose slightly.

Something snapped in Natsu's head, like two puzzle pieces connecting. I recognised that look in his eye, it was his 'I've got a stupid idea, but I think it's smart and no matter what you say I'm going to do it' look. He stood up, looking down at me one more time before walking over to the middle of the guild and standing on a table.

"Natsu! What the hell are you doing! Get down from there!" I whisper yelled through gritted teeth.

Natsu straightened up and cupped his hands around his mouth. "HEY LOSERS!!" He yelled, at least half of the guild instantly snapped towards us, quieting down as they listened to what the dragon slayer was yelling on about. "AS YOU KNOW I'M A MORON!!"

"Understatement of the year," Gary huffed as he rolled his eyes.

"SHUT UP GRAY!! I'M MAKE A GRAND ROMANTIC GESTURE HERE!!" He yelled as he pointed an accusing finger at the ice mage, who just huffed and told him to get along with it. "YESTERDAY I STUFFED UP BECAUSE I WAS A SCARED BABY... Much like Gray." He added at the end just to get revenge on Gray. I laughed and shook my head as I watched him yell at the guild. "I AM DEEPLY AND UNEQUIVICALLY IN LOVE WITH Y/N L/N!!"

My entire face exploded in a sea of red and I tried not to scream as I hid my face in my hands.

"SHE IS SARCASTIC, STRONG, SMART AND KIND!! SHE'S AMAZING AND I'M A MORON FOR NOT REALISING THAT EARLIER!!" Murmurs echoed through the guild as what Natsu said started sinking in. He soon jumped down from the table and turned towards me, when Natsu walked back to me a few seconds felt like hours.

One. He grabbed my hands, slowly pulling them away from my face. I looked at him with joy and embarrassment. I was mortified, to say the least, he had just made a speech about how attractive and perfect I was in front of the entire guild.

Two. My face went even redder when I realised that he was still holding my hands. He noticed my embarrassment and smirked before grabbing my hands tighter and pulling me towards him and up from my chair.

Three. He quietly stared at me, waiting for my reaction. Hoping that he hadn't just made the situation fifteen times worse, which wouldn't be surprising based on his past actions.

Four. "W-What the hell was that!!" I stuttered as I looked down at the ground.

He just looked down at me a laughed. "You said that if I was too scared to tell Lucy that I loved you, I didn't. So I told the whole guild because that's how strong I feel."

"I- That's not what I - Argh - I mean!" I stuttered as I tried to string together a sentence.  

Five. "Now that I think about it... you haven't said I love you either..." Natsu cooed as he slowly backed me up against a wall.

"Hmm? I guess I haven't," I said in a similar tone as I took his face in my hands. "Guess I'll have to prove it too you," I said in a sing-song voice once again before I pulled his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync as he pushed me harder against the wall, narrowing the space between us. My hands found their way into his hair and his hands rested on my waist.

"UGH GUYS!! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO TELL YOU?! NOT AT THE GUILD!!" Gray yelled in disgust, almost gagging as he looked away from us. I opened one of my eyes as glared at him, I removed one of my hands from his hair and quickly flipped off Gray - not separating from Natsu mind you.

"Gray! Leave them be! It's not that bad!" Juvia scolded as she hit him on the upside of the head, causing him to hiss quietly and huff before he stormed off. I bet you he's just jealous because it's not him and Juvia. We both smiled into the kiss as we left our problems behind, at least for now.

Enemies at Heart // Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now