Makeup and Doovers (17)

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My alarm blared, practically kicking me out of my slumber, I groaned and swung my feet off my bed, slowly placing them on the ground. I threw my covered to the side and slowly pushed myself off the bed. It's been a couple days since I've been at the guild, after what happened with Natsu, I'm too scared to show my face.

I'm worried he'll say something again that will make me blush or whatnot, and then someone realises that I'm hardcore into him. It was the strangest feeling, one day I'm fighting with him like nothing ever happened, and then the next I'm practically in love with him.

I shook off the thoughts I was having, it was those thoughts that were keeping me from the guild in the first place. I leant over my bed, pushing open my window. I knelt on my bed and leant out my window, looking at the sun slowly rise over the horizon.

Everything this was peaceful and quiet... that was until I heard an ungodly screech. "NATSU DRAGNEEL YOU GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE THIS VERY SECOND!!!" Ah, nothing like the calming sound of Lucy screaming to wake you up in the morning.

I leant further out my window, looking further off into the distance, trying to spot the dragonslayer I had been yearning for the past couple days. Then I saw it.

Natsu sprinting down the street (happy flying not too far behind him) as Lucy chased him down, shaking her fist as she screamed. Her hair was still dripping wet, her outfit was crooked and creased, it was clear Natsu had walked in on her in the shower, and she took off after him.

I sighed and watched as he laughed and threw insults towards Lucy as he did so. Lord, what I'd give to be down there with him. Lucy's face held pure rage, but I could tell that deep down, she wasn't that mad at him. After being in the guild for so long, you kind of get used to his antics.

I looked back at Lucy, even when she ran down the street in a fit of rage and wasn't even dressed properly, she still looked fantastic. I looked down at my pyjamas and odd socks, I sighed, If I was to impress, I needed some work.

I walked into my bathroom, grabbing my makeup bag (really just stuff Mira gave to me, in an attempt to turn me into a lady) and dumped the contents onto my bathroom benchtop. Foundation. Lipstick. Mascara. Blush. Lord Mira gave me so much stuff.

I've been helping Mira do Lisanna's make up for lord knows how long, so I've got a basic understanding of what I need to do. I usually don't use makeup, it's just not really who I am. Plus I fight that often, that all that'd really happen was it'd get smudged and/or get wiped off.

Based on the fact that my plans don't involve fighting Natsu, I shouldn't have to worry about that. I looked deeply at myself in the mirror, I applied things here and there, trying to make myself at least presentable... and not some kind of clown.

The second I finished my makeup I rushed to my room, throwing things out of my closet as I deemed them unfit. My room instantly looked like a bomb had gone off, but I really didn't care. I dug through pile after pile of clothing, not finding anything I agreed was good enough.

I screamed in frustration and pulled at my hair, yanking it as I flopped down on the mountain of clothes I had unintentionally built. Most the things I owned were worn out training outfits I bought years ago, I tend to buy things not for style per say, but more for functionality and ease of movement.

I looked down at the pile in front of me, and something caught my eye. I reached into the pile and pulled it out. I scanned it up and down... it'll do.

I held it against my body, checking myself out in the mirror, I actually looked half decent.  I quickly chucked the outfit on my bed, freeing my hands so I could undress. I ripped my shirt off over my head throwing it into the pile of discarded clothes, I shimmied out of my pants, leaving me in just my undies. I grabbed my outfit, pulling the jeans up my legs, jumping and shimming as I tried to squeeze myself into them, eventually succeeding.

I quickly threw on my shirt and slid on my shoes, I looked myself up and down in the mirror, huh, looks better than I thought it would. I gave my hair and makeup one final look over before I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, locking it behind me of course.

I walked down the street with new found... confidence? It wasn't really that, I just felt different. My clothes were a lot tighter fitting than I'm used too, they actually showed off the fact that I'm a woman now, something that I've unintentionally always hidden.

As I walked I heard whistles and various comments on my appearance, something I definitely not used to. Sure I'm not bad looking but I've kind of always been outshone by people like Mira, who professionally models in her spare time.

I finally arrived at the guild, I heard laughter radiating through the thick wooden doors, I took a deep breath, swallowing any fears I had and slowly pushed the doors open.

Practically no one noticed the doors swing open, due to the constant noise in the guild. I slowly walked further into the guild, heels clacking as my hips swayed side to side.

People slowly noticed the apparent stranger walking through the guild like she owned the place and slowly got curious. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, "Hello mam how can I-" I quickly spun around and was met with a familiar face - Lucy. "OH MY MAVIS IT'S Y/N," She screamed and took a step back in shock.

Everyone's heads instantly snapped in our direction, a certain boy with pink hair looking the most interested.  Everyone instantly stepped back, staring at me, their eyes scanning every inch of me. I stood awkwardly, not really sure what to do.

Nastu was taking a sip of his drink as he looked towards me, his is eyes widened as he saw my outfit and he quickly spat out his drink in shock. Muttering something alone the lines of "attractive" under his breath

That was until Lucy, Levy and Juvia whispered something to each other and grabbed my arms, dragging me behind the bar, Mira opened the storage room door, letting us in. They freaking planned this.

I was thrown onto a wooden chair, the room was almost pitch black, all except from some light sneaking in through under the door. I heard a loud click as the door was locked from the outside... Mira.

"Now Y/N, may I ask why you've changed so suddenly," Levy cackled from the darkness, she was somewhere behind me, I just couldn't tell where.

"ASK HER ABOUT THE MAKEUP!! ASK HER ABOUT THE MAKEUP!!" Mira yelled as she pounded on the door.

"You can't have a single moment of tension in the guild can you," Lucy sighed as the atmosphere that they had created was destroyed in a matter of seconds.

"ASK HER ABOUT THE MA-" Mira yelled again, that woman never gives up.

"WE ARE!!! SO SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I couldn't see Lucy, but I could tell she was flailing her arms around as she tried to shush Mira.

I couldn't help but choke out a few laughs as Lucy tried to regain her composure.

"May Juvia suggest that Natsu may be the cause of  this sudden... change?" Juvia piped in, with her usual quiet and sweet tone.

"Hmmm, could that be so?" Lucy smirked in the darkness as she leant on the back of my chair, her voice only a slight whisper.

"N-No, that's absurd." I tried my hardest to hide my feelings, to fake disgust. But, my voice quivered and gave away everything, every last late night though, every last private smile at memories.

Every last feeling I tried to pretend didn't exist.

I've been getting a surprising amount of requests for a smut chapter, is that something you guys want? I've never written one, so I can't guarantee it'll be amazing, but I can try? So if that's what you want, I can give it shot.

If the idea repulses you, just tell me, and I'll immediately drop the idea! I write these things for you guys after all.

As always! Please remember to Vote, Comment and Share!!


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