"I always have a plan...come on"

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Chapter 4- Simpathy?

"I don't care what anyone says Dib, Zim isn't human!"

Dib looks at me curiously, as we both sat in the lunch room as everyone mingle, not to mention Gaz sat on the opposite side of him.

"What makes you say that" he says a little irritated.

"Well yesterday something was I don't know bugging my computers connection, and it was coming from Zim's house, I mean I almost died, well...Almost"

"That would have been fun to watch"

Gaz mumbles under her breath, as she plays her video game.

"Hmm, seems like what ever aliens connection he's using is taking some of your signals"

"Seems so..."


Both Dib and I quickly turn and the lunchroom doors burst open, and of course it was Zim walking down grabbing lunch and sitting down all werid like.

Zim obviously didn't even want his food he kept poking it and smelling it and was disgusted by it.

"Does he do that everyday?"

I said while kept my eyes on him.

"Yes, I don't even know why he picks up the food when he doesn't eats it and it's crazy how they don't think somethings wrong with that"

"Well there are a lot of strange kids in this school, and well I know Zim looks a little werid with his...uhhhh green skin but ya know I'm not saying this is true but it can be a skin condition, but overall these kids are not the brightest"

The girls few tables down from us was talking about Zim,

"See how he's sitting there alone like that, he's just so Werid just like Dib"

"Well not werid as much as Dib tho"

They all shook their heads in agreement.

"I don't understand why Rya hands out with that loser, she'll become a loser like Dib"

The blonde girl says also named Jessica.

"They did not just say that"

Dib looks at me as I hop down off my seat and brush my outfit off.

Dib stayed watching me as I approached the girls.

I stood there just staring at them in glare,

"Is there something you want loser"

I went in my pocket with a remote and a few buttons on it and press the the red button.

The doors bust open with a dis-functional robot heading towards the girls and as they all scream getting what's the word electrocuted?

Dib eyes widen a bit, from the corner of my eye I can see Zim laughing at their pain.

Is that all?

"Yes Sebastian it will be"

The robot bust threw the wall and you could hear a car being smashed into a wall. As the kids stared at it.

I nicely paced back to my seat seeing Gaz smirk and Dib and little scared,

"And that's how you earn respect"


"Dodge ball!!!!!"

The old fat women says as she blows her whistle .

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