"Has it always been weird like this?"

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Chapter 1-. Great to be back, but something is wrong....

You know, I never thought I would ever see the purple skies, the dead trees, the werid dog that always followed me,and the disgusting fast food places, and that old abandoned park.

But....I must admit I kinda miss this disgusting fowl place, mainly Dib. I do wonder how's things been going for him since I left...His smile his glasses ha...And that big genius head of his... Ugh I'm getting off topic.

But the point is leaving this place was kinda regretful, well I had no choice but too since my mom is a scientist and had to travel and go to a convention center.

But luckily were back and of course today is the day I resume School, well Skool. With my long black hair that sticks out in the front of my head while the rest is down my back, sharp deep ocean eyes, and normal outfit like every other person, who is me Rya. Also not to mention where moving into a brand new ugly house yay for that one.

"So I'll be starting Skool today mom?"

I asked holding the front seat.

"Well sweety, as your mother I would definitely encourage you to go to school but you see there's a lot of packing we must do and as a scientist! I have so many things in the trunk that I must unpacked cause tomorrow is the big day that your amazing mother will be with other amazing scientist uncovering so many things!"

Her hands wasn't on the wheel of the car so I kinda freaked out about that.

"Well so I'll go tomorrow? Since we have countless of unpacking to do"

I said influencing her to let me stay from Skool.

"Precious! It would have been faster with your little brother here but you know he is spending his time at a mental hospital cause of that insident that happened"

Right, I remember that insident,
It was because some girl touch his video game and he attacked her, it was pretty funny.


"Ohhh what you have there?"

The little girl says, the boy looks at her and goes back to his video game.

"I wanna play"

She places her hand and the boy snaps and attack her.

(End of flashback)

I chuckle at the thought,

"Ha right, well at least he knows self defense? That's a key role in life"

My mom sighed, as she pulled up at the house it was large and kinda nice? I hopped out of the car then realizing it was the same house we was I'm before we moved.

"Mom you do realize this is the same house we was I'm before tight...Didn't someone already took this house?"

She looks at me and laughs,

"Oh honey you don't know your mother by now? Hahahahaha, i had this house reserved til I came back this is the advantages of being a famous scientist!!"

She screams as all the birds from the trees burst out and I duck.


Then before we could even unpack one of our robot maids unpacked it for us, forgetting my mom has so many inventions she made I lost count.

In like less then 10 seconds we was already done packing well the robots already did the work all our stuff.

But before I went inside I notice a large green house with a purple roof, lawn gnomes, and in the distance a green dog looking straight at me threw the windows...

When did that house been there?


My mom called out, I rushed inside but the green little dog was still watching me werid...

Who could of possible live there!??

"Yes ma'am"

"I'm going to be busy all night if you need anything just ask one of the robots to give it to you alright now I'll be down in my lab do not disturb unless it's very important!! Not one of your paranormal ghost, or alien UFO crazyness just like your friend"

Of course she would say that.

"Yes ma'am I won't disturb you and your.....Fake science work..."

I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?"


She finally went in her tube that send her straight to her lab where she worked on new inventions and what not.

I asked one of the robots named Jerry to wipe me up a cup of cream coffee at precious,

"Here you are"

I smiled

"Heh thanks Jerry you make the best cup of coffee, is my room already done and my base?"

"Yes everything is A-ok"

"Great! Well if you need me I'll be in my room"

I walk ahead up stairs with my coffee in hand went inside my room enter my pin to my lab or base I should say where I do my research and discoveries and such.

I stepped inside as the front closes and the tube goes straight down, and when I was finally down in the base I stepped out and sighed deeply.

"Sigh, good to be back"

My lab I must admit was pretty big and wide, and of course everything was mostly blue some parts purple.

I sat down in front of the large screen and put on my favorite show Mysterious Mysteries Of strange Mysteries.

Sipping my coffee, I thought of Dib when the show featured Bigfoot.

I should probably call him, .He's probably busy but he would never miss an episode of Bigfoot without calling me...Maybe it's something important.

The urge of me watching Bigfoot went away and I turn off the big screen. Instead I turn on the station where I had cameras all over the city and stalk people, cause of course I had nothing better to do.

Then when I glance at one of the cameras I jumped seeing that same creepy yet kinda cute dog just starring into the camera,

I press one of the buttons and talked into the microphone.

"Is there something you want green little dog?"

The dog said nothing but made a meow noise and I just sat there in shock,

What the heck kind of dog is this?

"Gir! Get away from there!"

I heard a voice say out loud to the dog I couldn't tell but the person who was talking was was wearing a pink outfit but could see their face, but over all did not look human from the bottom.

The dog left the view of the camera and so did the person, I sat there in shock of what the heck did I just witnessed?

"I'm guessing now that this place has gotten werid more then ever"

I turn off the cameras yawn and look at the time,

Ehhh still early,

Not to self it was only 12:00 I should have been be asleep but I decided to fix one of my old power launcher up.

When I sat down and started adjusting it I knocked out and feel asleep and knocked over my coffee.


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