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Friday, January 25th, 8:42 PM

Air, cold, wet, touch, panic.

Her lips. All I can feel are her lips. On mine. ...'her'...MADDY. I sit up with a jolt, air now flowing through my lungs. And then I saw 'her'. She's knocked back. Eyes red from crying, shivering from the cold, not believing her eyes. She reaches out cautiously to touch me, as if to check if I'm real.

"SEBASTIAN!" She pushes me over with a tackle and gets me with an onslaught of kisses. She's crying. I've never seen her cry before. I hold onto her, never wanting to let go again.

"Shhh, I'm here, I'm here." Let go. Shut the hell up. I kiss her until it seemed like nothing was wrong in the world. "I'm here now. I'm not going to leave, okay?" 

She nods her head, her voice to broken to speak. I pick her up, bride style, and carry her to my car. "Let's get you dried off and out of those clothes," trying to sound as smooth and gentle as possible. 

Another silent nod, her eyes never leaving mine. I lay her down in the backseat of my car while I get out the spare change of clothes I had for soccer practice. "Change into this for a now until we find you something more comfortable." I walk away from the car to give her some privacy. Five minutes passed. "You okay over the-," I'm cut short as she's suddenly behind me and pushing me to the floor. She slaps me on the face.

"That's for trying to drown yourself. And this, is for staying with me." She gives me a deep kiss. We lay there for another ten minutes kissing, never wanting to let go ever again.



"I love you," she snuggles up next to me despite me still being wet.

I give her a light smile, "I love you to."

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