Chapter 3

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I woke with my face still buried in David's pillow. The lights were dimmed and the door was slightly ajar. My back didn't hurt anymore, I could barely feel it. I glanced at the clock it was seven at night. I grabbed the shirt on the pillow next to me and slipped it over my head. Yawning I stood up and stretched a bit, then I walked to the door and stepped into the hallway. I walked past the bathroom into the kitchen, David was cooking.

"Feeling any better?" he asks when he sees me

"Tons better. My back doesn't even hurt anymore." I said sitting on a stool next to the counter

"That's good." He said flipping a steak.

"How do you know how to do that? Like fix my back." I asked

"My Dad's a doctor, he's passed me some knowledge." He said putting the steak on a plate.

"That's cool." I said

"Are you hungry?" He asked

"Actually, yeah. I haven't eaten since Friday at lunch." I said

He looked surprised, "Really that long?"

"Yeah." I replied

He passed me a plate with a steak, some mashed potatoes, and a biscuit.

"Eat up." He said with a smile

"Thankyou." I said returning the smile

He grabbed a second plate from the cupboard and filled it with some food, and sat on a stool on the opposite side of the counter.

"So, this could technically be considered our first date." I said with a chuckle as I cut my steak

"I guess so, it is still Valentines Day for a couple more hours." He said with a smile

We finished our plates within fifteen minutes, I got off the stool and put my plate in the sink. There was a knock at the door.

"Go hide in my closet, hurry!" He whispered as he grabbed his cologne and sprayed it everywhere to hide my scent. I went into his closet and shut the door hiding in the back corner. I heard the front door open and heavy footsteps enter the living room.

"I came to check up on you." I heard Alpha say

"I'm doing fine, settling in well." David said

"And using a little too much cologne." Alpha said coughing

"Sorry, I got a little carried away." David said coughing once

There was a silence then alpha said, "sorry about the incident with Omega, I don't know what got into her head."

"It's fine." David said

"She was well punished." Alpha said, i could almost hear him smiling.

David was silent.

"Speaking of that mutt, I am detecting her scent in this room." Alpha said

"How? She hasn't been here." David lied.

"It might be left over from when she cleaned this room before you arrived." Alpha suggested.

"Maybe." David said

"Well I'm going upstairs, talk to you later." Alpha said walking out the door. I heard the door shut and David's foot steps coming towards me. He opened the door and let me out.

He growled.

"Sorry, I couldn't growl at him while he was here." David said

I smiled.

"You don't have to go to school tomorrow." He said

"What about my homework?" I asked

"I'll excuse your absence and get your homework." He said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah, in fact take the whole week off." He said

"Okay." I said smiling

"You deserve a week off." He said

"What will I do, and what will I wear I didn't bring very much clothes?" I said

"You can watch TV or read a book or play video games. I'll get you some clothes from your cabin tomorrow." He said

"Thankyou, for everything." I said

"Oh, it's nothing." He said

"You've done so much for me." I said hugging him

I caught him by surprise but after a few seconds he hugged me back.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks putting his hands on my shoulders

"Which one do ya wanna see?" I replied

"How about something nerdy?" He asks

"Or flirty?" I suggest

"I'll let you decide." He said chuckling

"We're gonna be best buddies." I said

"Just wait and see." He said grabbing my hand

"Come on let's go." I said

"Do you wanna watch a movie? It doesn't have to be a movie." He said.

"You should pick one David." I said

"Okay, wait here." He said letting go of my hand, and leaving out the front door. He came back about five minutes later with a movie in his hands.

"What'd you pick?" I asked

He showed me the case, "Frozen"

"Yay, I've heard people talk about it at school." I said

He held out his hand, "c'mon let's go." He said as I grabbed his hand and was led me to the living room.

He left me by the couch as he put the movie in. He grabbed the remote and sat down next to me.

"Hope you don't get too bored this week." He said as the previews played.

"As long as you have plenty of books I won't get bored." I said

"Good, because on Saturday I'm taking you shopping, you need new boots, new clothes, and a new jacket." He said

"You'd do that for me?" I ask

"Of course." He said smiling.

My heart fluttered as he put his arm over my shoulders, i scooted closer to him, then he leaned down and gently kissed my forehead.






Thank you! :)

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