Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to find David with his arms around me. he was asleep but he still had a good hold on me. I rolled over till I could see his face, he was starting to stir. I pressed my forehead to his and waited for him to wake.
He opened his deep brown eyes a minute later.
He smiled, "Good morning beautiful."
"Good morning handsome." I said blushing
He pulled me as close as I could get and kissed me soundly.
When the kiss broke he asked, "what do you want to do today?"
"I don't know." I replied
"I know, I'll take you shopping." he suggested
"Shopping?" I asked
"You need new clothes, all the ones you have are worn and full of holes." he replied.
"But I don't have any money." I said
"Don't worry I'm buying." he said with a smile
"Aw you're so sweet." I said blushing
"I know, just like candy." He replied as he sat up, bringing me with him.
Then I got a fit of uncontrollable giggles.
"Aw you're so cute," he said chuckling,
"Well I'm going to go get ready, I'll come to pick you up in about an hour. Does that sound okay?"
"Yeah that's plenty of time." I replied
"Love you." he said kissing me.
When the kiss broke I said, "Love you too."
"Be back soon." he said exiting out the door to the pack house.
I grabbed my tote bag and put a change of clothes and a towel in it, then I put a belt through the handle and slid into the loop then stepped out the door and shifted. I ran to the waterfall then halfway around the mountain where the entrance to the hot pool cave was.
I crawled through the narrow crevice and found myself in the hot pool cave. I bathed quickly then got changed into my nicer clothes, a black and white striped polo shirt, with my nicest pair of jeans which only had one hole in the fabric, and my sneakers that at one point used to be white.
I reattached the bag, shifted, and ran back home.
My hair was still slightly damp when I arrived home. I found my brush and brushed through my black hair till it was smooth, then I French braided it.
David was going to be here any minute, I quickly grabbed my water bottle and used it to provide the water needed to brush my teeth.
There was a knock at my door, I quickly wiped off my face with a towel and went to the door.
"Hello beautiful." David said as I opened the door.
He was wearing an orange tee shirt with dark jeans and white sneakers.
"Hello handsome." I reply as he steps inside.
"You ready to go?" he asks
"As soon as I put on a jacket." I replied running to my room to grab my holey jacket off the hook.
I walked back to him, he opened the door. I took a step outside.
"Allow me." he said as he lifted me up and carried me around the cabin to his Jeep, which was just parked randomly in the snow in front of my cabin.
He set me inside the jeep and closed the door. I buckled up as he got in the drivers seat. He started the jeep and drove back over the tracks he made to the road.
"Do you have a favorite store?" He asked
"I don't know, I haven't been shopping since I was six." I replied
"Well I'm going to make this the best shopping trip you've ever been on." he said smiling.
"Sounds exciting." I said. he smiled again and grabbed my hand. I tangled my fingers with his.
A few miles down the road we passed the school.
"I haven't been this far in ages." I said looking at my surroundings.
He pointed North.
"My old pack is about an hour that way." he said.
"How was your old pack?" I asked.
"It was pretty nice, we didn't have a ruthless, revenge hungry alpha. My dad was the alpha, he always wanted to unite our packs he hoped I'd be the one to do it. I'm going to challenge Alpha, but it won't be for a while, I need to get him to trust me so I can see his battle moves." David replied
"Do you have any siblings?" I said
"Yeah, I have a sister your age. her name is Camille. I think you two would be great friends." he replied
"Will I ever get to see them?" I asked
"Not unless your Omega status is removed by Alpha, or Alpha dies. you have to stay in the territory." he replied sadly.
The mall came into view a few minutes later. He parked close to the doors and walked me inside.

I was going to make this chapter longer, but then I thought of some extra things to put into the next chapter.

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