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Draco's POV

September 20, 2009

So far, the school year has been just as I expected. And it's only been 2 weeks. Everyone is just pretending I don't exist. I mean, if you ignore the ginormous space they leave between me and the rest of society. In some ways, it's worse than any teasing or bullying they could've done. Not even Blaise or Pansy will risk looking at me.

But if they want to isolate me, fine. Let them. They're the ignorant ones. I'm not contagious. You can't catch Death Eater.

It still hurts though. Especially because I didn't want any of this in the first place. But no one will even come in close enough proximity for me to explain that.

Since no one wants to be around me, I've taken to hanging out in the owlry. It makes everyone happier. They don't need to worry about me being around, and I don't need to feel uncomfortable by their obvious discomfort.

Why did McGonagall even bother inviting me back? It doesn't accomplish anything.

Whatever. I'll write again tomorrow if I can.

                                                        Draco Malfoy

I stand up and walk out of the owlry, heading towards the dungeons. When I get there, I immediately head up the stairs to the dormitories, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Not that anyone would look at me, of course. I hide my journal (not diary. I'm a man) in my trunk and push it back under my bed. I then proceed to lay on my bed and relax. Thinking. It's only a few hours till dinner. Might as well take a nap. I'll head back to the owlry after. There's always a great view of the night sky there at that time. I close my eyes and feel myself drifting off into sleep.

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