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Harry's POV

Draco and I sit in our respective places in our designated "secret hideout".

Blaise and Ron were talking about how it was almost the end of the school year when we walked in.

I hear Draco humph beside me, "It is, isn't it? Almost over?"

Blaise nodded,"Yeah. And you know what else is over? My hopeless crush on Longbottom."

"Wait! What?"

"Yeah. He's a hundred percent sure he's straight, sadly. Apparently he gave blokes a go back in fifth year. Missed my shot. We're pretty close though. He started seeing some girl from Hufflepuff. Hannah Abbott? Yeah. I guess Luna left him for Ginny."

This time both me and Ron were surprised. "What?"

Dray spoke up,"How's that polyamorous relationship going for you, Weasel?"

"Fine enough, ferret. Pansy and Hermione are in the library now. Who are you hoping to get with now, Blaise?"

"Well, Potter here is already taken. Same with Dray. But maybe I could add myself into your relationship so we can get it on." Blaise replied winking at Ron and scooting closer to him.

Ron turned red and laughed while he playfully shoved Blaise away from him.

"Sorry mate. But you're not really my type."

"What is?"

"Girls, mostly"

"Ugh. Straight people, am I right?"

"Hey! It's not my fault you guys are-"

"Pan!" Blaise chirped.

"Bi!" I echoed.

Draco smirked and yipped,"Gay! Full on like-cock-up-the-ass gay."

Ron shook his head smiling. "What took you guys so long to get here?" He asked me.

"It's nothing" Draco mumbled.

"Just Smith and McLaggen"

"Again?" Blaise chimed in," I say we teach those two a lesson"


"Hear me out here, okay. Harry, you've got that special cloak and magical map of yours which makes you like this dorky, oblivious crossbreed of Dora and invisible woman, okay."

"Are you suggesting I'm a girl?"

"Not a very attractive one."

"Shut up"

"Guys! Ron, you have pranking in your DNA, alright. I'm obviously the smart one of us four and Draco can lead them to their doom! All we need is a plan! Think about it. They deserve it!"

"Are you making me the bait?"

Blaise sighs. "You're always focused on the negative parts of what I say"

Ron nods and says,"He has a point. And I could always get George to help us out. He could use a break..." He trailed off.

Ah shit. With everything going on...I completely forgot. Terrible friend. Selfish. How can Ron even look at me?

I must've zoned out, because Draco started snapping in my face.

"Earth to Harry"

"Anybody in there?"

Blaise snorts. "Have you met him? Of course there's no one there"

I roll my eyes. "Sorry, you were saying"

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

Ron sighs. "So, are we all in agreement​?"

We all nod. Draco pipes up,"So if Harry is Invisible Woman, who are the rest of us?"

Blaise smirks,"I'm obviously the Human Torch 'cause I'm hot"

Ron scoffs,"Please. Harry whose side are you on here?"

"Well I would say neither and go with Draco, but that would make him my brother. And if you think about it, Ron's hair does kinda look like fire."

"Is that a ginger joke, or a compliment?"


"Well, I'm Mister Fantastic 'cause I'm fantastic."

Ron and I laugh. Blaise almost shrieks.

"I'm Thing?"

We all suddenly have straight faces (well as straight as they can be) and nod at Blaise seriously.

Blaise scowls and mutters something that sounds suspiciously like,"We are such nerds"

He raises his voice and with determination says,"So, we start planning tomorrow."

We all grin at each other, this was going to be so much fun.

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