the as to your qs

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midnightxxmoon asks 'Does it end with Drarry?'

No, it doesn't. I knew from the beginning I wanted it to be Canon compliant and I have a Thing for bittersweet or unhappy endings. However, Draco and harry still love each other. They always will.

@drarrypottermalfoy asks 'Do you like bread?'

Yes. I like some bread more than other bread though. Yum yum. Wubba lubba dub dub.

Since I literally only hot these 2 questions I guess I'll just awkwardly walk away. It's  cool.

Harry's POV

It's been two weeks since Draco and I broke up. I haven't been able to catch up to him to ask what went wrong. Blaise slowly left our lives, much to Ron's dismay. At least it was better than what Hermione and I got. Our world's suddenly being ripped away from us. Mine more violently.

I was alone in the hallway with Draco staring at me. He starts to walk past.

"Dray, wait!" I grab his arm. "What's going on? What happened?"

He suddenly veers around to glare at me.

"What? You thought we'd date and I'd magically be okay? You thought 'oh the love of the chosen one must surely cure depression and anxiety! What can't I do?' Sorry to break it to ya, but that's not how the world works. There's no butterflies and rainbows and nothing works out. No happily ever afters. Not for me anyway. This isn't some fanfiction."

Draco turns to the camera and cheekily winks while Harry looks at it like he's on The Office.

"Things were never meant to work out. You're the saviour and I'm some death eater. We were born and raised to hate each other. There's no other way. No other choice. It was stupid to think otherwise."

He turns to walk away.

"Draco! Hold on a sec!" I almost beg.

He continues to walk on and, without missing a beat, shouts back, "The name's Malfoy, Potter."

And I'm alone in an empty corridor, suffocating a cloud of sadness, anger, and confusion blinding me from my surroundings. I drag myself along the rest of the day, doing the motions, all the while screaming on the inside.

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