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Harry's POV

I call out and knock on the stall door, but whoever it is doesn't answer. I would normally just leave it alone, but I have a really bad feeling about this. I've been in this situation before.

I use alohormora to unlock the door to open it and I see a boy sitting on the ground. He looks like he's trying to become invisible.

"Please leave me alone" I barely heard him whisper.

It takes me a second longer than it probably should've for me to recognize that the boy was...


His breath hitches a little and goes back to its rapid pace. I take a mental note that he's crying before taking a step forward to help.

I've never seen him look so...un-Malfoyish.

I move to sit down beside him, careful not to make any sudden moves. As soon as I sit down, he scoots a little to the side. Which didn't do much of anything since he was already in the corner.

I should help slow his breathing so he doesn't pass out. I decide to slowly and calmly interact with him so he doesn't freak out. That's what would help me. I don't  want to make the situation worse.

"Malfoy?" I say, trying to grab his attention.

He doesn't acknowledge me.

I sigh and try again,"Malfoy"

He shakes his head,"please go"

"I can't do that"

"Why not?" He breathily says.

He starts to shake his head again, then he bites his lips and tries to make himself smaller. He's still breathing just as fast as before if not faster. He could black out any minute now.

"Malfoy, please."

He looks at me and I see way more emotion in those silver eyes than I'm used to. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't look away either. I'm taking that as a 'go ahead'.

I slowly grab his shaking hand while still maintaining eye contact and put it on my chest. It didn't reach far enough for his palm to be flat so I scooched closer to him. We were now basically leaning on each other. I hold his hand on my chest, never breaking eye contact, and speak softly.

"Do you feel my breathing?"

He slowly nods, looking slightly blue. I become extremely worried. Why couldn't he have cooperated sooner? Why couldn't I have found him sooner?

"Try and match it, okay?"

Malfoy nods, and his breathing slows slightly, but I'm not sure it's enough. He's still a slight tinge of blue.

He's starting to lean more and more heavily on me, to the point where his head is resting on my chest. I can feel his trembling body against mine.

He stays there while his breathing gradually slows. Eventually, his breathing is back at a normal rate and he's barely shaking. We stay in our current position for a second before I clear my throat slightly.


He does a little wall push up off of me and mutters something that sounds like an apology. He looks into my eyes, his red-rimmed. "Thank you" he says quietly.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Erm. No problem."

We just stare at each other, his arms on either side of me. I could kiss him right now. What?! No! I'm straight. And even if I wasn't I would never date Malfoy.

I don't notice Dra-Malfoy stand up right away. He looks at me weirdly and I stand up.

He coughs slightly. "Well, I should probably head to class. I'll, uh, see you around I guess, Potter" he drawls in his normal, condescending tone, but I can hear the emotion underneath it. The awkwardness, the thankfulness, the sadness. The loneliness.

He's halfway through the door when I make my decision.

"Hey, Malfoy"

He turns.

"Wanna meet up after dinner? In the owlry?"

He looks at me, and slowly smirks.

"I knew you'd come around eventually, Potter" he states, eyes glimmering.

I roll my eyes, grinning, and watch him strut out into the hallway.

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