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The blazing sun commences to hide itself behind the mountains

Foliaceous trees coruscate in the first rays of sunset

The emerging moon slowly becomes crescent

Coldness brought by the gushing wind makes me shiver in this umbrageous forest.

Yes. I am alone in this gloomy, undiscoverable part of the woods

Here in the forest where we are about to set foot and meet to elope

In the seventeenth night of the seventh month

Commemorating the supposed nth year of our poignant love.

While acquiescently waiting, I am having this abysmal reverie.

Under the silvery and almost moonlit night, you are kissing me.

We are in a state of pure bliss as if tomorrow will never come

Relinquishing the idea that there are no problems to surmount.

But so much time has lapsed and yet you have not arrived.

Would I just be waiting in vain and be deprived

Of the chance to meet with you and extol in the dusk?

I hope you'd come; I've loved you since time immemorial.

Every ecstasy has to end, every illusion has to suppress

By any means, either with willingness or by use of duress

This happiness that will hurt us in the very end

This phantasm that blinds us, just a masquerade.

I have known from the genesis that you will never come

Because of the fact that you are not really mine

I am just imagining that in this forest we are about to congregate

Expecting this wild fantasy to become a wonderful reality.

...So you failed to travel to reach this rendezvous of ours.

And I just made myself believe that you were lost in this twilit forest.

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