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Dan was nineteen.

The scratched red paint of his new truck was only a brighter version of the shade his flushed face and puffy eyes probably were.

A few days ago, he had gone to get his drivers license. He had passed the test, and came home to find PJ standing in his driveway, a huge smile plastered on his face as he leaned on the vehicle behind him. It wasn't new, it wasn't great, but it was an escape. A car. Dan's very own car.

He walked up the driveway to his friend, hands over his mouth, and couldn't even think of what to say.

"Don't you like it? I know it isn't the best, but..." PJ started, clearly concerned Dan didn't like his present.

"Are you kidding?! I love it! Thank you so much!" he said, snapping out of his stupor wrapping his arms around the astonished boy. After a few moments, PJ awkwardly returned the hug before moving back and holding out the keys.

"It's all yours. Enjoy," he waved, walking back off down the road.

Today, Dan had come back from school to find the beautiful truck with slashed tires, smashed windows, scratched paint, graffiti, and even a broken door. After inspecting the engine, he found damages worth probably thousands of dollars.

It had been his one chance at an escape. His only means of getting away from his mother, his classmates, everything. And someone had taken it from him.

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