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Dan is eighty two.

He's laying on the cold blue tiles of the kitchen floor, watching as deep crimson blood flows across and slowly covers them, one by one swallowing the small squares in a layer of death and pain. What else is there to do when you've been stabbed and are only waiting for your life to finish?

The black clad man above him still holds in one hand the blood covered knife, while with the other he rummages through a few drawers filled with random items, probably of no importance to him. There's nothing Dan can do but to be thankful that it was him up getting a snack tonight, and not Phil. Otherwise he could be the one down here, bleeding out, while Dan slept soundly in their bedroom upstairs, unaware anything was going on. It was at times like this he wished Melody were still around, so she could alert someone to the intruder, but sadly, no one could help him at this point.

Eventually, the burglar moves on to the living room, and Dan can hear the sounds of him rummaging through his and Phil's belongings. Suddenly, a light comes on down the hall, and the person bolts up and runs to the door, dropping the knife behind them.

"Dan?" Phil calls, his voice ringing throughout the house and nearly bringing a tear to Dan's eye as he realizes he'll never hear that voice again after tonight. "Dan?" the call comes again, louder this time, indicating he's closer to the kitchen. Once again, the name starts to be called, but this time is cut off by a gasp and rapid footsteps making their way towards the kitchen.

"Dan, oh my god, what happened?" Phil asks, grabbing Dan's arm and flipping him over. As soon as he sees the wound, he's up again, claiming he's going to go call an ambulance. With the tiny amount of strength he has left, Dan shakes his head.

"What? Why not?" Phil asks, his voice breaking as he takes a step back in his direction.

"Too late," Dan says simply, wincing a bit as the pain near his stomach intensifies.

"Dan, don't say that. I'll call an ambulance, they'll come help you. It'll be fine," he says, clearly trying to convince himself what he's saying is true.

Dan just sakes his head.

By now, tears are streaming down Phil's face as he watches his dying husband. After a few moments, he steps over to him and kneels down next to him again. By this point, Dan's vision is turning black, and he can barely feel it as Phil lifts his head onto his lap and starts stroking his hair.

"I love you Dan," he manages to get out through his sobs.

"I love you too. Goodbye, Phil."

"See you, Dan," he says as Dan's vision begins to fade to white. With one last bit a strength, he shakes his head again, indicating he thinks Phil used the wrong word.

Phil seems to understand what he's trying to say, but just says again with a sad smile, "see you soon."

Before Dan can say anything else, the world around his disappears, replaced by an endless white void. His "goodbye".

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