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Dan was thirty nine.

He stared at the shiny gold ring now resting on his finger, unable to make eye contact with Phil as they finished their vows. The crowd of family and friends seated behind them cheered as they kissed, sealing their marriage.

"Food time!" someone called from the audience, making the couple laugh from their place at the front of the church as a few people rushed towards the doors and out to where the reception was. The chapel was filled with quiet conversations as they all slowly made their way out to the front of the small church. The crowd made their way one by one down a small path through the woods behind the building until they made it to a sunlit clearing surrounded by ribbons and filled with tables heaped with food.

The rest of the day flew by, filled mostly with people coming up to congratulate the two and plenty of snacks. No one seemed to want to leave, and it was only by 2:00am that Dan and Phil were finally left alone, PJ and Chris having just left.

"See you!" Dan called as they walked off down the path.

"Go- see you later," Phil said to them just before they were out of earshot, catching himself before he said 'goodbye' since he knew how much Dan hated it being used in the wrong context. The other couple turned to wave before they were swallowed by darkness.

"Looks like it's just us now," Phil said, looking around the empty clearing.

"Yeah," Dan agreed, watching as the fairy lights strung around the trees twinkled in the dark. "So... what should we- oh." He was cut off as Phil placed a hand on his shoulder, followed by the other on his waist.

"Care to dance?" he asked, obviously already anticipating a yes. Dan showed his response by placing his hands in the same position as Phil's, and slowly they made their way around the small area. As they danced, they started creeping closer and closer to each other, until their bodies were pressed right against each others'. Dan's head rested comfortably on Phil's shoulder and he closed his eyes, allowing and trusting him with full control over where they waltzed.

He wasn't sure how long they were like that, but soon Dan began to get tired, and was basically asleep on his feet at this point.

"Dan, honey," Phil said, jolting him out of his dazed state of mind. "We have to get going."

"Don't wanna..." he mumbled tiredly. After a few moments, he felt Phil reaching down behind his knees and picking his legs up from underneath him. Once he was comfortably holding him, Phil started walking off down the path, Dan still practically asleep in his arms.

"I love you, Phil," he mumbled tiredly as he laid his head down on his husbands chest.

"I love you too, Dan," Phil said, pressing a gentle kiss to Dan's forehead as he followed the light of the moon back home.

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