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Dan was fifty two.

He stared into Phil's eyes through a film of tears which could have filled an ocean, to become the same beautiful blue as those perfect crying eyes.

After three years of being in a coma after the accident, Harmony had died that day. No doubt about it, this was the worst day of Dan's life. She had been perfect. So happy and carefree, always a little bundle of joy. She had reminded him a lot of Phil, with her constant cheer and affection for others. She had been perfect; and now she was gone.

No one that young deserved to die. Especially her. But, he supposed, a lot of people didn't deserve to die, and they still did.

Along with his tears, Dan's thoughts were like an ocean right now. They were pulling him underwater, deeper and deeper, trying to drown him. He was sure if it weren't for Phil beside him, holding and trying comfort him, those thoughts may have succeeded. And right then, he wished they would, just so he could be rid of them.

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