chapter one

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Kate Smiths was from a very small town in the smallest state of america. This was Lewisville Rhode Island, where she'd lived ever sense she was as young as three toddling years old. She was fourteen now with slick brown hair down that flowed down her back and piercing green eyes. Her face and shoulders were hevily freckled and her cheeks were rosey. Her lips were over
all considerably thin but her top lip was a little too thick for the bottom. Her face was rounded as she still had chubby young cheeks. Her body lacked any curveture and she stood an embarasingly short 5'1 feet in height. She was athletic but still had a healthy amount of fat on her for her age. Kate had small hands and feet. She was a happy teenage girl but sometimes had a hard time showing it.

She was a runner on the cross country and track teams at her school, Archison Middle. She ran distance and loved every ticking second of it that she wasn't really running. It nearly killed her waiting for one of the two seasons to start in the winter and the summertime. It was one of those  sufferable times now. The time when the trees leaves fell to the ground and were coated with layers of snow and the worl was shut up into an ice box of cold. It was the american winter time.

Kate sat wrapped up in a soft pink blanket in front of the livingroom televison on her favorite bowl chair beside the bookcase. She was home alone and had pulled shut the curtains closing out the silver winter light outside. The television was turned off and the only light in the room was the lamp she sat huddled beside. Dispite the fact that shed closed all the curtains in the house and blasted the heat on the highest setting she was still cold.

She sat shivering with a warm drink in one hand and a book in the other. It was an adventure novel about a boy named Joe Openhizen and his adventures sailing the world. Kate wanted to see the world; the small town she'd never left just didn't cut it. She dreamed of road trips to big cities, mainly New York as it wasn't incredibly far away. Her father, Watson Smiths, explained that they just didn't have the money. He was a single dad raising she and her younger brother Todd. He kept them happy but as Kate fell into her teen years she couldn't help but silently wish to see the world, a normal part of any maturing child.

Kate thought about these things as she read, unable to focus on the book at the time. She reached for the bookmark beside her,  marked her page, closed the book and shelved it. She got up with her drink and blanket and went to her room where she browsed the internet for the cities she so wished to see. In the middle of her browsing she heard a knock at the door, assuming it was her dad she rolled off the bed and her feet hit the cold floor. She winced and walked through the small house to the kitchen.

In front of her stood a group of people that seemed her age. Kate was alarmed and backed up cautiously. There were two girls her age and three boys. The first girl was tall and dark skinned with coily black hair jumping out from under a green beanie. She had on multipe layers of winter clothes. She was very pretty and had almond eyes under her elegant dark eye brows, intelligence radiated from her along with a certain grace that seemed to confirm the group meant no harm to Kate.

The second girl had very pale skin and straight red hair. She had piercing brown cat eyes and a strong build, she was dressed in something that seemed a little more usual; a gray sweater and black leggings with a scarlet hat like the first girl's in a different color. She was cover from head to toe in freckles and from her seemed a ferociousness.

The first boy was shorter then Kate and had blond hair and round brown eyes. He had tanned skin. He didn't seem particularly too much of any thing. Just a certain medium of averageness, he didn't seem as prominent as the others in the group and this made Kate wonder if he wanted to be there, judging by the blank expression on his face he was most likely there to balance everyone out.

The second boy was much taller then her height and had curly brown hair that came too his shoulders and skin that was a little lighter then the second girl's yet much darker then her own. He had thick, dark, black eyebrows and full lips. He had a delicate build with thin arms and legs and a stance that convened something natural she couldn't really place far stronger then the others. He was wearing an oversized gray hoodie and bleach washed skinny jeans with a pair of red and white Jordan's.

The last boy was towering in his height with a cat like build, tall and thin. His thin, almond eyes as deep, dark and blue as the ocean itself contained something just as mysterious. His hair was long, thin, and jet black coming down to the small of his back. His skin was a yellowed brownHe wore a thick jacket and a baseball cap with skinney jeans and Vans™.

Kate looked the group over quickly and carefully, waiting for one of then to speak. When they didn't she did.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She said in a shakey voice that sounded a lot more stern and confident in her own head.

The boy with the long black hair spoke first. His voice was velvety and gentle.
"We just want to talk to you about some things, we mean you no harm." With this he bowed slowly and kindly. Kate was unsure what to do so she simply mirrored and hoped for the best. He seemed nice but it could be a trick just as easily.

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