whos the new nerd?

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I woke up early on Monday morning.

I take a shower, then I dress in skinny jeans, a black tank top and an open sweat shirt.

I put my hair in a simple pony tail.  I then put on mascara, lip gloss, and my nerd glasses.  To top it off I put on my silver locket my father gave me before he died.

I put on green converse and head out of my room.

as I walk down the stairs, I hear a whistle.  I turn around to see Ethan smirking at me.  I force myself to blush and look down.

"you dress hot for a nerd"he said.

I mentally smirk I got them to believe my cover

"thank you?" I say more as a question.

He grabs me by the waist, pulls me close and whisper" your innocence turns me on"

I roll my eyes," your younger than me Ethan, I don't have time for your hornyness" I say as I walk to the front door.  I start walking to the school til a car pulls up beside me, it's James.

" come on let me drive you" he says.

I don't feel like walking so I just open the door and hop in.  He just smiles.

" so are you nerves?"

"yes" I lie.

" you don't need to be, ill help you if people are mean." He said sweetly

" thanks I'm not good with people" I sent him a small smile which he returned. it was quiet the rest of the way there.


we walk in the school and everyone turns to us.

how cliche I think, with an eye roll

I pretend to look shy as we walk past them and to the office.  I tell James to go to class, he hesitantly goes.  I get my schedule and map of the school because let me tell you it is big.

as I'm walking to my first class, I see two others.

a big guy has a girl pinned up to the lockers and is practically molesting her, she's struggling but can't push him off.

oh no big boy

I go up and grab him by the back of his shirt and pull him off of her.

" now that is no way to treat a girl" I say sickly sweet right before I punch him in the face.

"now leave before I give you worse" I say threatening. He scrambles up and runs away.  Then I turn back to the girl.

"are you alright?" I ask.  she only nods because she's so shocked.

I stare at her amused.

"Well could you not tell anyone about this, I'm gonna try out the innocent, nerd role" I wink.

she laughs," sure I won't tell any one and I can't wait to see how this turns out."

"me too and if that guy gives you anymore trouble, tell me" I say seriously.

" I will, thanks for helping me by the way, I'm Melody and I'm actually a nerd."she grins.

" no problem and I'm Lila and I'm an actual bad girl" I grin back.

"What class do you have?"she asks. I just give her my schedule, she looks it over and smiles.

"we have all the same classes " well that's a relief, she seems cool.

"cool, let's go to class."

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