Alexander's promise

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Alexander's POV

After I'd returned home last night I felt terrible. Katia had stumbled upon talking about us being mates. She didn't notice at first but then something in her eye changed. She looked sad instead of her bubbly self. I could see fucking tears in her eyes!

I felt so bad. My wolf had howled at the sight of my saddened mate and clawed at me from the inside telling me how stupid I was. I was just about to apologize when we got to her door and she stepped on to the first stair that lead to her door. She'd thanked me in a clipped voice for bringing her to and from the hospital and then had gone into her house without another word.

Just as I think about that I entered the living room. My books boiled. I was so stupid! I thought as I smashed my glass table with my fist. Every time I can comfort her I do something wrong! I thought flipping both of my sofas upside down. She will probably never trust me with her feelings again! I thought throwing one of my verses at the wall. "And it all because of that stupid night!" I yelled punching the wall.

I then heard frantic knocking on my door.

I tried to calm my breathing as I approached the door, he fanfic knocking never subsiding. I opened the door to find a panicking Katia with tears streaming down her red face. Once I opened the door wide enough she jumped into my arms, kicking the door closed behind her, during the process.

She cried into my shoulders. I stood there very confused u till I heard something hit the door. Something HUGE. And then I heard clawing. After that I heard something that sounding like paws smacking the ground as whatever that was ran away to, what I'm assuming, was the forest.


I'd brought Katia to my room. Once she calmed down she fell fast asleep leaving no time for questioning.

I went back to the front door and looked at it. There were giant scratch marks on it and a dent that looked as if something had rammed into it. A wolf. That's why Katia ran away and was so scared. It was coming for her.

I walked to the kitchen where my iPhone was charging and grabbed it. I dialed his number, "Alec! How the fuck did a rogue get to Katia's pack" I asked. "I don't know but there hasn't been any alert about it any-" I cut him off "I don't give a damn about alerts, the guards should've been on high alert, where where they?!?" I shouted.

"Calm down bruh I don't know where they were but I'm asking right- oh it seems they were called somewhere but it was a dead end and there wasn't anyone there. It seems we have been duped" he said chuckling slightly I sighed "see if anyone knows anything about this okay?" I asked he sighed too "I will. See you later brother" he said. I said bye and we hung up.

I put my phone into my back pocket and went to my room. When I opened the door I found Katia sitting in the bed, facing the window, hugging a pillow and looking out into the vast emptiness of the trees.

Without looking back she said "I remember" she paused sighing "one day, when I was smaller. There was this crazy little boy that lived across the street from me." She said "one day, he came over, my sisters, seeing that they were the same age as the boy who was a year older than me, took advantage of that. They tried to impress him with their toys but I just sat there, reading a book in the couch. The boy who seemed uninterested in my sisters came. And you know what he did?" She asked rhetorically, not waiting for my answer "he sat with me and we discuss my book, both my sisters stood there dumbfounded but then acted as though they didn't care."

She laughed lightly "we hung out that year but then, the people at school started teasing him" she said and I heard the aggravation in her voice "and one day, my only friend, he stopped talking to me. And generally communicating with me." She said finally turning around and I could see the hot tears in her eyes "and you know who that boy was?" She asked me, a single tear sliding down her cheek "IT WAS YOU!" she yelled. "You didn't talk to me and acted as though you didn't know me" she said "I- I liked you so much" she paused laughing with no humor "I might've even loved you" she said.

She stood up, dropping the pillow to the floor "I LOVED YOU ALEXANDER! I did, you hurt me SO BAD! But, you can't feel sadness when you have no one to tell. It destroys you. It almost did me. But I learned to deal with it" she paused "until the day. At. The. Cliff. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT FUCKING HURT ME ALEXANDER!?!" More tears streamed down her face. "I thought I could get through it. I thought I could. But I couldn't."

"Do you know what I did?!? I tried to fucking KILL MYSELF!" She said. My eyes bulged out of my sockets "I jumped off the cliff after you left. But the moon goddess saved me and told me I wasn't SUPPOSED to die. She took me to the Oasis. I spent that year there" she said her tears still coming "do you see what you've done to me Alexander" she said, my voice, coming from her mouth, was dripping with venom.

I looked at her and almost cried myself. In front of me, was my mate. Broken and sad because if what I did to her. I broke with her. I hugged her. At first she tried to resist but soon gave in, hugging me back with all her might. And as we stood there. In the middle of the room. Hugging. I promised to myself. I Alexander White will NEVER hurt my mate the, the way I have, again.

A Stranger To Yourself (Previously I Curse You All, To Hell And Back)Where stories live. Discover now