WTP?!? pt.2

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Sorry for the late update but I'm, well I'm lazy as hell like, you know what I mean? When you say your gonna do something. And you really gonna do it, and you what to. But then two minutes later your like 'Nooooo' and just avoiding it. Until again you wanna do it and you practically slap yourself had say 'you gon do it or else' and finally do it? Yeah that was me. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

Alexander's P.O.V

I looked at him dumbfounded and asked, "What?"  He stared at me for a little while, "Katia Marie Evans hates you, well she doesn't hate you yet, but he will or at least as close to hating yu as her little heart will let her get to hating you ro anyone for that matter. Well the point is she has reason and you show her no reason to feel otherwise for you." He said as thouh he was talking to a child. 

I looked at him and shook my head, "No, she doesn't hate me- well dislike me- anymore. What I nthe worl are you talking about?" I asked confused. He rolled his eyes, "Alexander, Alpha, I know what she thinks every second she thinks and exactly her she thinks it. Or at least I thought I did until you came into her life." He said, jabbing his finger into my chest. I took a step back but he just took one forward.

"You've ruined her. I had a different destiny for her none of this was supposed to happen. I don't even know how you intercepted her love life, how you became her chosen mate without me knowing, realizing. You were supposed to be a childhood friend that was supposed to be her friend throughout her life. But only that. A friend.

You kow Alexander, you changed everything. You ruined not only her but her destiny. You have ruine dher self esteem, that I just managed to bring up a bit by havening the moon goddess help her and take her to the Oasis. You've ruined her picture of herself alexander, she nop longer feels happy or worth anything. So yes she hates you now. She was meant for something different and without my approval al of the thingds you've changed wll never work out. You have ruined her for nothing." He took a step back, giving me some space as I tried to process everything.

"I don't know how you did it but you did, you ruined a perfect girl and for what, nothing. You even rejected her because of other peoples opiniions. You set yourself up for failiure. And to think the poor girl was planiing on forgiving you. Lord she is the nicest being on thi planet and look. You've ruined her. Tainted her. Made her tender heart blacken with such a thing as hate."

He sighed, looking me in the eyes. "Do you know what she did because of ypou?" He asked rhetorically. "She tried to kil herself. TO commit suicide!" He said, his temper rising. "The one person who was supposed to love her, her sopposed 'mate'. The one who was supposed to give her protection from al of the other things that hurt her. Hated her for nothing. But no, you rejected her and blackened her heart. The one perso she had faith in. You failed her and she jumped off a cliff and I just managed to save her by getting the moon goddess to help. Bless her heart that girl for being so strong."

He took anoter step back, and then another, "You ruined her but I'm going to try to fix it. The night that you rejected her she cursed all of you. The ones who hurt her. Since she is a Zangara and one of the most powerful since she is a female alpha Zangara her curse was put into action, accumulating until it was powerful anough. You can't stop it and can't ask her to remove it directly or she'll crack and unleash it earlier, trust me it wont be any weaker if unleashed early. The only way that you can stop it is getting her to forgive you. That's the weakness of the curse. It only lives if th dark spot of her hear tis still there., getting bgigger anfd strenghtining the curse. sh doesn't know about any of this because hse didn't know she was a Zangara but this is real and happening." He stepped closer to where the trees and bushes met.

"I wish you luck. Not even I can change this, stop this. You weren't destined, that's why its not working. Don't try to get her to love you. Only seek her forginess and you may save evriyne else who hurt her and yourself. I wish you luck only because you need it badly." He salido, as he desapegares intocable the forest.

I just stood ther, trying to process everything. Millions, literally millions of thoughts ran through my head as I tried not to scream in frustration. My mind was shutting down and I knew I needed to get home soon before I passed out in the middle of the woods.

Deciding to think of this all tomorrow I raced back home. I opened the door as my vision started to get hazy. This hadn't been the first time something like this had happened. It had happened multiple times in my life. My mind was designed to only be able to stress so much. This was one of the times where there was too much everything to deal with. My brain was pretty much burning out.

I walked up the stairs dizzily as black dots started to cloud my vision on the last step and j was scared I wouldn't make it to my bed and I would just pass out in the floor. I got to the door but it was too blurry to actually see the doorknob. I couldn't even tell which way the doorknob twisted, let alone how to open the freaking door.

Finally I managed to push it open, elbowing it after getting in. The black dots had almost taken up my whole line of sight when I finally crashed onto the mattress. The one thought running through my mind was one of a million but the one that summed them all up, "Why?" I said, asking no particular question.

Asking many questions.

Asking all questions.

Just asking why.

A Stranger To Yourself (Previously I Curse You All, To Hell And Back)Where stories live. Discover now