America Turns Outward
Josiah Strong: Reverend who wrote Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, a book that said Anglo-Saxons were superior and it was up to the American peoples to spread religion and help the less civilizedAlfred Mahan: Naval captain that wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History, a book that explained how control of the sea was key to world dominance, influenced globals powers including America to strengthen their navy
Richard Olney: Secretary of State under President Cleveland, was rude to Britain and sent note saying that the US was in charge of the Western Hemisphere and Britain can't do anything because of the Monroe Doctrine
British Guiana: British colony on the northern coast of South America, the jungle boundary between this colony and Venezuela was long in dispute and made Venezuela and Britain butt heads
Great Rapprochement: Reconciliation between the US and Britain, US decreed they would settle the border dispute and if Britain wasn't happy about it, the US would go to war, Britain was occupied with other affairs and did not want to fight the US so they agreed
1. What factors caused America to turn its attention to the world beyond her borders?
American farmers and factory owners needed new markets as their industries boomed. With no new lands to get in the US, they looked to have business overseas. America was growing in power through population, economy, and production but also had labor unrest. It was considered that overseas markets would help deal with this unrest. Also yellow journalism hyped up events happening in foreign countries and made many Americans want America to get involved in foreign affairs.Spurning the Hawaiian Pear
Queen Liliuokalani: strong willed Hawaiian queen, the last reigning queen of Hawaii, wanted Hawaii to be kept in rule by the natives, was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests (sugar farms)2. Why did President Cleveland not want to annex Hawaii?
President Cleveland believed that America was using its power to bully Hawaii and they had wronged the queen and her people. Because of this, he wanted Queen Liliuokalani restored to her throne. He called for an investigation and it turned out a majority of Hawaiians did not want to be annexed. The queen was not reinstated but Hawaii's annexation was put on hold.Cubans Rise in Revolt
General Weyler: Spanish General that was nicknamed "The Butcher," he was sent to Cuba in order to quell the Cuban revolt, either executed revolters and sent many citizens into harsh concentration camps3. What was happening in Cuba that caused Americans to be concerned?
American sugar farms in Cuba heard about the revolts and General Weyler's actions and relayed it back to the US. Journalists took up these foreign stories and sensationalized them in yellow journalism. These journalists exaggerated the treatment Spain was giving to Cuba and made Americans outraged.Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila
Teddy Roosevelt:The assistant secretary to the Navy Secretary John D. Long at the time of the invasion of the Philippines; he was responsible for taking matters into his own hands in starting the Spanish-American War by ordering George Dewey to sail to Manila and defeat the Spanish fleet that was in the area of Manila BayGeorge Dewey: Commodore that worked under Teddy Roosevelt, commanded the American Asiatic Squadron in Hong Kong, was able to defeat the Spanish navy in the Philippines and became a national hero overnight
4. Why did Commodore Dewey have such an easy victory over the Spanish fleet at the Philippines?
In May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey sailed his squadron in six warships to Manila at night. The next morning the moldy ten-ship wooden Spanish fleet were taken by surprise and were completely destroyed. They were no match for the iron warships of the Americans. Dewey's forces had left four hundred Spaniards either killed or wounded, without the loss of single American's life.