Chapter 4

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The harsh ringing of the alarm clock woke Sienna and Kelly from their slumber. Kelly hit the snooze bar before rubbing his eyes. Next to him, Sienna attempted to stretch her sore limbs. That's when she felt something warm tangled in her legs. Kelly pulled his leg up, feeling two skinny and chilly legs wrapped around his warm one. He grinned for a moment, thinking about sharing a bed with Sienna, but then he remembered what brought her here.

"Ugh," groaned Sienna feeling a dull ache all over her body.

"Mornin' sunshine," teased Kelly as he grinned at her.

"Yeah. Damn, I need some coffee and some pain killers."

Kelly chuckled as the two climbed out of bed. Sienna walked out of the bedroom leaving Kelly to change. She saw Gabby alone in the kitchen, pouring herself some coffee. Sienna walked up next to her, deciding to pour herself a cup.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" asked a sympathetic Gabby.

"Sore and tired," replied Sienna as she stifled back a yawn.

"Well the coffee should help with the tiredness."

"Yeah. I'm gonna take some painkillers. I'll be fine."

"Alright. Do you have an extra pair of work clothes at work?"

"No. They're... in my apartment."

"Antonio said they already went through your apartment and that you're free to go in it. He called a few minutes ago, he hasn't gotten the DNA back from the lab though."

"Ok. Thanks Gabby."

"Of course. Hey are you gonna be okay to go to the CFD gala tonight?"

"Damn! I totally forgot that was tonight! And my dress is ruined."

"Everyone will understand if you don't go and if you take a few shifts off."

"Now, I'm not letting this fire bastard win."

"Then we're all here for you Sienna."

"Thanks. I did wanna talk to you about something though."

"Sure! What's up?"

"Severide. Is he a good guy?"

"Yeah he's the best. I mean his like a brother to me. He cares for all his guys and treats them well. Why?"

"Nothing, it's stupid."

That's when it dawned on Gabby. She let a grin slide across her face.

"Sienna. Don't you dare tell me that you have a 'thing' for Severide!"

"Shh! Why don't you just announce it to the fire commissioner?!"

"Oh my god. Evans!"

"Forget I said anything. It's a bad idea."

"Hey, hey, hey. Alright, listen. Kelly really is a great guy. He will go to the end of the earth for the people he cares about. But, he's a player. He jumps from one girl to the other ever since Renee."


"Renee Walsh. She's Lieutenant Walsh's brother. Her and Kelly were engaged before he was lieutenant. Then, three days before the wedding he found out she had been cheating on him. He hasn't had a steady relationship since."

"That's gotta be hard."

"Says the girl who was... assaulted last night."

"Gabby, it's okay to say I was raped. Yes, this will forever be apart of my life and it will effect me but right now the only thing I can control is my feelings so I wanna focus on that. It's the one thing I've always been able to control, my feelings."

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