Chapter 10

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Seven months later....

"Kelly, I'm tired!" whined Sienna, leaning against Kelly as they walked out of the firehouse.

"You just took a two hour nap!" teased Kelly.

"Doesn't mean I'm not kinda tired. Besides why do you want to go to Molly's anyways?"

"Because I wanna get a drink with my girl! It's our 9 month anniversary and I wanna celebrate it."

"Fine, but only because I love you."

"Well that sounds like the best reason," grinned Kelly, pressing a kiss to her lips.

They both climbed into Kelly's Camaro and headed back to the apartment to change. Kelly through on his classic t-shirt with his leather jacket and a pair of jeans. Sienna came out wearing a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and her own black leather jacket along with matching leather boots. She had her cherry red lipstick on, bringing out her blue eyes.

"Damn babe. You look hot!" exclaimed Kelly, before pulling her close and kissing her.

"Thanks babe. You don't look too bad yourself, Lieutenant," flirted Sienna.

"Thank you candidate. You ready to go?"


When they arrived at Molly's, they saw their friends gathered around a table. The couple walked up and joined the conversation.

"Hey guys. Sienna you look amazing tonight!" complimented Gabby.

"Thanks!" smiled Sienna.

"You guys come out for your 9 month?" asked Jay.

"Yeah. After this one finally agreed," teased Kelly as he nudged Sienna.

"Woah, hold up. I agreed to going out. We just couldn't agree on which car to take," explained Sienna.

"What?" asked Casey with a little chuckle.

"I wanted to take the Camaro..." began Kelly.

"And I wanted to take my car!"

"Why would your truck me cooler than the Camaro?" asked Erin.

"It's a 1984 Chevy Silverado!" defended Sienna, "But I wasn't talking about the truck. I was talking about my 1972 Monte Carlo."

"Oooh yeah, Monte Carlo trumps Camaro, sorry bud," stated Casey.

"Yep," agreed Jay.

"Ha!" exclaimed Sienna, pointing her finger at Kelly.

"Fine! Next time we go out we'll take the Monte," surrendered Kelly.

"Thank you."

Everyone chatted for a while until Kelly and Sienna's favorite song came on. By now the only people left in the bar were their friends, so they didn't care if they looked like idiots dancing in the middle of the floor.

"It's our song," grinned Sienna.

Hey Pretty Girl by Kip Moore played through the bar speakers as they swayed back and forth. Sienna laid her head on his shoulder, happy as can be. They were in love and everybody knew. Gabby snapped a few pictures of them as the gang watched the happy couple. When the song ended Kelly stepped back and dropped down on one knee. A look of shock fell upon everyone's faces besides Erin's. All she did was smile. Sienna's hands flew to her mouth as she looked down at Kelly.

"Sienna, I love you. We may have started out rough, but we made it through. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else. You're beautiful, strong, and sexy as hell. We're perfect together. You are the one who made me want to be a better man and I love you for that. Sienna, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Sienna.

Kelly stood up, sliding the ring on her finger and planting a kiss on her lips. Everyone congratulated them, regrouping around the table. Nobody could believe what had just happened. Kelly Severide, the player of Chicago, was getting married.

"You didn't look surprised at all!? questioned Jay, talking to Erin.

"How do you think he got her ring says genius," replied Erin with a chuckle.

Everyone laughed before Casey ordered a round of shots to celebrate. After downing the liquid, they began chatting again.

"Who would have guessed that the candidate would be the one to tame the lieutenant," joked Hermann.

"I never would have guessed it," stated Gabby, "Although you both totally flirted all the time."

"We did not!" argued Sienna with a grin.

"Not at first. I mean I didn't 'like like' her until a week into her being at the firehouse," informed Kelly.

"What changed your mind?" asked Sienna, looking up at him from the crook of his arm.

"When you broke my record. I knew right then and there I had met my match. That you were gonna give me a run for my money," grinned Severide.

"You really are the female version of Severide," chuckled Casey, "I mean just look at your outfits!"

"And you're mutual love for old cars," added Erin.

"And your stubbornness," finished Gabby.

"Why do you think we called you Mini Severide?" said Otis.

"I will admit, you do have good taste in cars," joked Sienna.

"And you have great taste in men," teased Kelly.

Sienna playfully slapped him in the chest. After a while Sienna and Kelly decided to go home. Once they got there, Kelly headed into the bathroom. Sienna stood in the kitchen, looking at her phone. Gabby had text her the pictures of her and Kelly from tonight.

G:  So happy for you guys? Does he know about the thing yet?

S:  No! I've been to nervous to tell him. But after the proposal, I know he's not leaving me for sure.

G: Just tell him. You guys are amazing together. It'll be fine. Love you girly!

S:  Thanks. Gabby. You always know what to say. Love you too girl!

Kelly came out and wrapped his arms around Sienna. She sighed and leaned back against his chest.

"You okay babe?" asked Kelly, resting his head in the crook of her neck.

"Yeah. Perfect. I'm just thinking," replied Sienna.

"Uh oh," teases Kelly, "About what?"

"Us. Kelly, I have something to tell you," admitted Sienna, turning around to face him.

"You can tell me anything babe," smiled Kelly as he placed his hands on her hips.

"I'm 6 weeks pregnant."

There was a silent pause before Kelly spoke, "I'm gonna be a Dad?!"

"You're gonna be a dad!"

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