Chapter 7

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Sienna woke up to someone shaking her. Her eyes flew open and she saw Jay standing above her. She felt sweet glistening on her forehead as she panted.

"Jay what are you doing?" asked Sienna, confused.

"You were screaming. I think you were having a nightmare or flashback or something. You just kept yelling 'Get off of me! Get off of me!'. Are you okay?" asked Jay as Sienna sat up.

"Yeah I'm sorry that I woke you. I knew I was having a nightmare but I didn't know I was yelling. I'm sorry," apologized Sienna, feeling bad.

"No, don't be sorry. I just hope your okay. Are you?"

"I've been staying here for three days and still haven't figured out where to live, I was assualted and then revictimized, and now the weasel has taken over my brain. So no, I'm not okay!" snapped Sienna, immedailty regretting it, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"No, it's fine. It looks like it helped a little bit. Why don't you get up and I'll make some breakfast before I go to work. Erin had to leave early, Hank needed her to check something out."

"Thanks Jay," smiled Sienna, getting up.

Over at the firehouse Erin walked through the doors. Casey had asked if she could look into some information on his brother-in-law. Erin walked onto the apparatus floor and into the kitchen area. Everyone was sitting around, eating breakfast beside Kelly and Casey.

"Hey Lindsay!" greeted Otis.

"Hey guy! You know where I can find Casey?" asked Lindsay, file in hand.

"Uh yeah," began Gabby as she stood up, "He's down in his office."

"Thanks Gabby," smiled Erin.

She walked down the hall, passing Kelly's office before reaching Matt's. She knocked on the door and he let her right in.

"Hey Erin. Thanks for doing this for me," thanked Matt as he stood with his hands on his hips.

"No problem Matt."

Erin went on to explain all the details of the case before saying her goodbyes. As she headed back out to her car she was stopped by Kelly.

"Hey Kelly. You need something?" asked Erin, seeing a sadness in his eyes.

"Yeah uh," paused Kelly as he scratched the back of his neck, "Tell Sienna that I'm not going anywhere and that I care about her."

"What?" asked Erin, shocked.

"Come on Erin. I know Sienna's at your place. You're her best friend. How's she doing?"

"Not very good. Jay texted me earlier, she was yelling in her sleep. Apparently she had a nightmare or some sort of PTSD episode."

"I wish I could be there for her, but I think she's the only person who can help herself right now. It kills me knowing that she's going through his, especially because it's my fault," sighed Kelly as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Kelly none of this is your fault. It's your father's."

"No Erin, it's mine. My father did it thinking for some crazy reason that he was helping me. So all of this, is on me."

Before Erin could speak the bells went off, signaling Kelly had to go. He ran off as Erin climbed into her car and drove off. She texted Hank, letting him know she hade to make a stop before getting to the station. Erin drove to her apartment, leaving the car running in the driveway. She walked inside the apartment to see Sienna doing a load of laundry.

"Hey Erin. I was just running the washing machine," weakly smiled Sienna.

"Thanks. How are you feeling?" asked Erin, observing Sienna.

Sienna had dark black and blue handprints around her neck, signaling just how hard Benny had choked her. To match she had a busted lip and a lightly bruised chin.

"I'm feeling better then I was yesterday."

"Sienna, Jay told me about this morning."

"Yeah that was hard. I just have to learn to control it."

"Sienna, I saw Kelly. I didn't tell him but he knew you were here. He thinks this is all his fault, everything that happened. He wanted me to tell you that he's not going anywhere and that he cares about you. And he really does."

Sienna just stood there, silent. Erin looked at the time and realized she needed to get to work. She gave Sienna a hug before heading back out the door. Sienna sat down on the couch, thinking. She realized, it was time to stop hiding.


It was night it Chicago and Sienna knew she shouldn't be walking around, but right now she didn't care. When she finally arrived at the apartment she knocked on the front door. He swung open to reveal a very tired looking Kelly.

"Sienna," he whispered, eyes widening.

"Kelly, I'm sorry for running. But you need to know that none of this is your fault. It isn't mine either, it's Benny's. He's the monster that hurt me, not me and definetly not you. You've done the opposite for me Kelly, you were helping to heal me. I can't heal without you, so please tell me you're still here for me," admitted Sienna, tears running down her face.

Kelly took on her bruises as she talked, his face full of sadness. He pulled her to him, letting her cry into his chest. Her sobs wracked her body as he held her in his arms. He rested chin on her shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere."

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