Chapter 8

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Sienna woke up in Kelly's arms, the details of last night replaying in her head. She remembered the tears both of them shed, the laughs they shared, and the beers that had a few too many of. Sienna ignored the pounding in her head, instead listening to Kelly's heart near inside his chest. She heard Kelly groan before her tightened his grip on her. His eyes lazily opened, only to be met with Sienna's smile.

"Good morning," grinned Sienna.

"Morning beautiful," smiled Kelly, staring into Sienna's deep blue eyes.

They laid side by side in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Finally Sienna sat up, adjusting her tank top. Kelly stayed laying down, one arm propping his head up so he could watch her. She climbed out of bed, her tanktop and sweat pants wrinkled. She dug around in her bag, looking for her laptop.

"I should probably start looking for an apartment. I can't keep crashing here," stated Sienna as she continued to look.

"I don't know. I like having you here. It's nice waking up to your smile," honestly admitted Kelly.

"Yes well us sleeping in the same bed together may only work for so long."

Sienna walked back to the bed and sat down on top of the  covers with her laptop. She propped it open and started typing in the website.

"What do you mean?" asked Kelly as he sat up, sensing a more serious tone in her voice.

"Come on Kelly you know what I mean. You're a guy and you have needs. I mean you've slept with quite a few women and-"

"Hold up," interrupted Kelly, "Are you talking about sex?"

"Well yeah," shrugged Sienna.

"Sienna, I'd never pressure you into doing something you don't wanna do. And besides, I'm not with you to get into your pants. I mean it'd be fun," Kelly smiled when he saw he finally made Sienna laugh, "Anyway what I mean is I'm dating you because I like you."

"I know Kelly. I really like you too. I just don't want you to be unhappy because of me."

"Sienna, I'm not my father. I'm not just gonna jump on you because we're sleeping in the same bed together. I understand that you went through something truamatic and you're healing from it. And whether you like it or not, I'm gonna care about you."

Sienna smiled, tears of happiness in her eyes. She leaned into him, Kelly wrapping his arm around her. Warmth radiated through her body as Kelly held her.

"You know, I have my own apartment. My best friend and I used to live there together. But uh after she died I just couldn't stand being there," Sienna rubbed his back, seeing that he was getting choked up, "Anyway I've been thinking about moving back there. And uh maybe if you want to, you know, you can live there with me."

"You don't think it's too fast? I mean yeah we've known each other for three months but we've only been dating for 2 weeks. And it was a crazy 2 weeks," laughed Sienna.

"Yeah but most of are time we're at work or out doing stuff. You've been here anyway and it's been working. You can stay in one of the spare bedrooms if you want too. Or you can get your own place. Whatever  you wanna do babe."

Kelly looked into Sienna's deep blue eyes, looking for an answer. He could tell by the way that her eyebrows were scrunched that she was thinking. Finally, she smiled and looked up at him.

"I'd love to move in with you Kelly," smiled Sienna, watching a boyish grin spread across Kelly's face.

"I'm so happy to hear that," he replied, planting a kiss on her lips.

"I don't know about you, but my head is pounding. I'm gonna go make some coffee and maybe start breakfast," stated Sienna as she climbed out of bed and opened Kelly's dresser.

"My head doesn't feel to good either. But bacon might fix it," teased Kelly as Sienna changed into a pair of his plaid pajama pants.

"Well you'll have to get your lazy butt out of bed in order to get anything this morning," teased Sienna with a smirk before she walked out of the bedroom.

She hadn't felt this happy in a while and she missed it. Sienna walked into the bathroom and slid open one of the drawers. She popped two Tylenol tablets in her mouth before taking her PTSD meds. She carefully slid it shut again before leaving the bathroom and heading to the kitchen.

Soon the smell of bacon filled the house. Sienna cooked waffles, Kelly's favorite, along with some eggs. Matt walked into the kitchen in his pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"What smells so good?" he asked as he looked around the kitchen.

"I'm making breakfast," laughed Sienna as Matt spun around to face her.

"Damn. I could get you to having you around," joked Matt as he ate a piece of bacon.

Sienna just laughed placed the plates of food on the table. Gabby walked out and sat down next to Matt, grinning at the food. Then Kelly finally came out of his room, wearing his sweatpants and a wife beater. He said down at the table and began eating.

"Babe, this is amazing," complimented Kelly as he bit into the gooey eggs on his plate.

"Well I'm glad you like it. So did breakfast cure your hangover?" teased Sienna with a grin.

"Almost. I just need a kiss and I'll be all better," joked Kelly, chuckling.

Sienna walked over and pecked him on the lips. He chuckled when she pulled away. She finished loading the dishwasher before heading down the hallway.

"Sienna! Where are you going?" asked Kelly, confused, "You didn't even eat."

"I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go shower babe," replied Sienna before walking down the hall to the bathroom.

Kelly stared out the spot where Sienna had just stood, thinking. He was pulled out of his trance by the sound of the shower filling his ears.

"So, did Sienna tell you our news?" asked Kelly, shoveling a spoonful of eggs into his mouth.

"No, what's going on?" asked Gabby, nervous.

"We're both getting out of your hair. I'm gonna move back into my old place and she's gonna live with me," announced Kelly, smiling.

"Congrats man!" smiled Matt as he clasped Kelly on the shoulder.

"You two are great together Kelly. Just make sure your not moving too fast. You don't wanna scare her off," advised Gabby.

"Yeah, I know. I've just never felt this way about a girl before. She's not just another girl I spent the night with. I want her to be the girl I can trust."

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