Chapter 1

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A/N: this story takes right after Dick/Nightwing left the team after the death of his best friend in the whole world, Wally West/Kid Flash.

*this is for the great ILuvChoc0LAte I hope you like it*

Cold and silence.

The planet was still spinning. Earth was saved but at a terrible cost.
Tonight, one of Earth's hero was gone. Taken from Earth, from his friends and family, causing the world to feel cold, empty and silent.

Nightwing stood in the back of the room in the Watch Tower as the young team listened to Aqualad discuss the new missions at hand, as if nothing had just happened.
Like they didn't just lose a teammate, a friend and a family member.

The world had lost a speedster, lost some of its joy and life.

Nightwing, he just couldn't seem to be able to focus on a mission, or the team. He needed a break. He needed to gather his thoughts and get everything together and rebuild his walls back up.

He lost his best friend in the entire world, leaving him feeling lost. Causing him to feel even more broken, just like he was when he lost Robin, Jason Todd, his little brother. Dick felt numb and lifeless and he just wanted an escape from...everything.

"Business as usual" said Nightwing who exhaled and turn to leave the Watch Tower and head back down to Earth, where he would be all alone, mirroring what he was feeling on the inside.
He wanted to feel like he was flying, so he shot out his grappling hook and swings through the sky.

The cool night's air hitting Nightwing across his face. He landed upon one roof top to just shot his grappling hook out and leap over towards another roof. His mind was so clouded with thoughts and memories, that Nightwing hadn't noticed a shadow moving among the shadows of the night.
The shadow watching Nightwing in the night, keeping an eye on him.

He jumped again and did a flip in the air, headed down towards a roof top when suddenly his cord from his grappling hook snapped.
His masked eyes widen for a second. He did a front flip and rolled on the hard gravel of the rooftop, landing in a crouching position. He waited and listen, knowing he wasn't alone, that someone cut his line.

Nightwing slowly rose to his feet, his hands slowly moving to his back and pulling out his escrima sticks.

His back was towards the shadow that has been watching him. Dick narrowed his masked eyes and scanned the area. He then heard a slight movement behind him, he turned around and twirled his escrima sticks within his hands and got into his fighting stance.

"Show your self" Nightwing said and watched as the shadow slowly moved closer towards him. The light of the moon fell upon the shadow, illuminating the figure.

Dick could now see the shade of orange on the suit and recognized the individual right away.

"Deathstroke" Nightwing stated. Slade continued to move on him and then froze a few feet away from him.

"Ah...Nightwing. I finally have you in my sights and you're all alone" said Slade and Nightwing could see a faint smile cross the villains face.

Deathstroke then quickly pulled the sword that was strapped against his back and charged at Dick, who quickly lept into battle with Deathstroke. Dick jumped, kicked, flipped, dodged, and punched his way threw the battle and at first it appeared that Nightwing had the upper hand but things quickly changed and some how, some way Dick found himself on the ground of the roof top, panting heavily.
Dick looked up at his foe before him and smirked at him. Slade narrowed his eyes and then in a swift movement, he slammed the butt of his gun against Dick's head, but he didn't knock out right away, so Slade grew closer towards him.

Slade's gloved hands roughly grab ahold of Dick's long ebony hair and yanks his head up slightly as he kneels down. Now their faces only inches apart.
"I have you now" stated Deathstroke.

Nightwing chuckled and then spit some of his blood at Deathstroke.
Slade quickly whipped the blood from his face and glanced down at Nightwing, who wore a smile on his bruises and bloody face.

He swiftly shoved a needle in the side of Dick's neck and watched as his masked eyes grew heavy along with his whole body, taking the fight right out of the young injured bird before him. Deathstroke now chuckled and then harshly slammed Nightwing's head down upon the ground, knocking him out. But after he had knocked Dick unconscious, he slammed his head down upon the roof a few more times.

"You are mine now. You are mine forever... Richard." said Deathstroke.

And both him and Dick disappeared into the night without anyone having a clue whatsoever.

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