Chapter 13

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A/N: Dick breaks free of the mountain and finds a friend who's there for him in his time of need.
Contains drinking mentions of puking, blacking out and self harm.
~I want to say I am sorry for the long wait for this new update, I've been struggling with my depression and haven't had to drive to write. So I am sorry and do hope you, my readers like this new chapter.

Dick ears could hear an alarm but it sounded distant. He slowly turned his head and winced in pain at the sudden movement. His eyes fluttered open as he was met with darkness. He began to push himself up into a sitting position but shooting pain traveled up from his wrist towards his elbow.

Feeling that pain made everything come rushing back to him. He could clearly hear and see Slade in the hospital room, he could feel his threats at an icy cold rate. Dick could feel the fear rising up within his chest, he could feel his heart racing and the pain he felt.

Dick looked around the room and felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt unsafe and in a way hopeless about everything. Dick got up and hissed in the pain he felt by his movements but he ignored it and made his way towards the door, to leave.

He wasn't thinking fully clearly, he wasn't thinking about the others and how if he disappears would affect them. But the feeling of being lost was so consuming that it was sucking out every bit of oxygen within the small medical bay room.

He rushed out of the room and rushed off towards the zeta tubes, he just really needed to escape. He didn't care if it would hurt everyone, he just needed a break, he needed to go somewhere, anywhere. 

Dick began to type on the holo screen to silence his departure from the mountain. The zeta tubes lit up and just before Dick went through them, he reached over towards his shoulder and yanked the small blade Slade slammed into his shoulder. He hissed at the sudden pain it caused him to yank it out but he just needed it out. Dick dropped the bloody blade on the floor and step through the zeta tube, disappearing from the mountain and his friends and family.


Hours had passed since Slade had broken into the Mountain and attacked Dick, and when Dick left without anyone knowing where to.

He found himself sitting in a poorly lit bar. He was lost and consumed in the alcohol, his thoughts and pain. His mind was fuzzy and he blocked out all the sounds in the room. He didn't hear the bell on the door, nor did he hear a familiar voice of whom he hasn't heard from in a long time. 
Someone sat down beside him and then reached over and snatched the glass from his hands. Dick looked over at who took his drink and watched them tip is back and drink the rest of the alcohol in the glass. Dick sighed and then laid his head down upon the bar.

''You look like shit, you know that Dickie" said the person who pulled some cash out and flopped in down on the counter. Dick turned his head to the side and opened one of his eyes.

"Right b-back at ya Roy!" said Dick who then closed his eyes and let a small giggle slip past his lips before he sighed and flopped his arms down on the counter. He then winced because that movement sent pain through his injured shoulder.

"Lets get out here Dick'' said Roy and Dick simply just nodded his head and allowed Roy to pull him onto his feet. Lucky for Dick, Roy took on all of his weight as they slowly made it out of the bar. 


His eyes began to flutter open, and as soon as his blue eyes made contact with the light in the room, Dick closed his eyes back tightly and moaned in pain. His head was pounding and he felt like he had been hit by a truck. He then heard someone chuckling and he slowly opened his eyes and pushed himself into a sitting position.

He glanced over towards the noise and saw his friend, Roy, sitting at the table drinking out of a mug and laughing at him. Dick was so confused. 
He didn't understand why Roy was laughing at him, or how or why he was here. Everything was kinda a blur and Dick was really thankful for that. He didn't see or hear Slade at the moment, nor the pain from his torture or images of his lost dead ones, Wally, Jason and his parents.

"Wh-What's...'' Dick began but got a sharp pain in his shoulder when he moved it and his blurry mind remembered being stabbed in the shoulder by Slade. He reached over towards his injured shoulder and his fingers brushed over some bandages and he let a small smile form on his tired face. He knew that Roy had patched him up and he was grateful for his help.

"Dick, what's the last thing you remember?" asked Roy with a little joy in his voice.

"Ummm...I-I...Hmm...I don't know'' said Dick for a moment, trying to focus on his memories but everything was so blurry and nothing was making sense to him at this moment and just trying to think about it was making his terrible headache that much worst. 

Just then, Roy walked over held his hand towards Dick and dropped a few pills into his hand then sat a water bottle down before him on the coffee table. Dick looked down at the pills then up at Roy with confusement and a hint of fear deep within his eyes.

"Take the pills Dick head'' said Roy and Dick paused for a moment before taking the pills. He sighed and leaned back on the couch and allowed his head to fall onto the back of the couch. Roy then sat down beside him and then began to tell Dick about the evening he had no memory of.

Roy had found him in a bar, Dick was totally out of it and he also had an injured shoulder. Roy managed to get him back to his apartment where Dick threw up at least four times, and cried about Jason and Wally being dead, then a spell of anger when Slade got brought up and then Dick punched the wall before passing out on the floor. 

Dick shook his head, he has never been drunk or had a blackout but a part of him figured that it would happen to him sooner or later, especially after every little thing he had been through, the trauma that was burnt into him and his mind. 

Roy patted his leg before standing up and saying he was going to grab some food before he slipped out of the apartment.

Once the door was closed and Dick was all alone, he allowed himself to fall apart. Tears filled his eyes and his chest ached with his pain of everything, from the death of his parents, to Jason and Wally and then his time with Deathstroke. Dick looked down at his hand and brushed his fingers over the dried blood on his knuckles. Dick shook his head and pushed himself off the couch. He walked over towards Roy's tools and snatched up a blade and headed off towards the bathroom. He slammed the door shut but winced at the loud sound of it hurting his headache more.

Dick sat down on the edge of the tub and pulled his sleeve back. He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes tightly, trying to think of how his life had come to this, and who he was becoming and who he was losing. 
He was losing himself slowly by slowly and he just felt like he was falling down a deep dark hole with no escape at all.

He placed the blade upon his wrist, he pressed it down harshly and drew it across his skin. The pain it caused, soothed Dick's mind and hurt for a moment, the feel of that pain was addicting and he continued to cut and cut, losing himself more and more.

--This chapter is for Niyareader my new reader and follower! Thank you!!
And thank you so much for all who has read my works!!!--

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