Chapter 3

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A/n: Dick is injected with a toxin that effects his mind drastically.
*contains suicidal actions*

-thanks ILuvChoc0LAte for your support, help and friendship!
Others who are reading this, please go check out ILuvChoc0LAte works, they are great! :)

Dick looked from Slade to the needle on his hand. He smirked at Slade but Dick had a terrible feeling forming inside him.

"You won't be laughing after this, I promise you apprentice" said Deathstroke who roughly slammed to needle down into his chest.

Dick shot up, his mouth open wide as he gasped in the sudden sharp, agonizing pain that ran threw him. Before anything else happened his eyes rolled back into his head as he heard Deathstroke laughing in the background.

Dick's body went limp for sometime before he started shaking and thrashing, trying to get out of the metal cuff locking him in place. Trapping him more in his fears.

His body was suffering so terribly to the effects of this new drug.
Deathstroke had gotten a hold of a new drug, it was fear gas but in a liquid form. The fear toxin was rushing through Dick's system and there was nothing he could do to stop it, to help his mind.

His wrists were now bleeding from the metal cuffs as he continued to thrash around, his body and mind out of control.

Dick's eyes opened wide and he suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs.


"This is all your fault!"
"Charity Case!"
"Piece of crap!"

Images of his parents falling over and over again. Then seeing their angry and hateful faces directed at him because he couldn't save them.

Then he saw Bruce.
Bruce grabbed him and glared at him with so much hate and disappointment in his cold eyes.
"I should have never taken you in! All you have done is ruin everything!?"
Then Bruce threw Dick off the platform, causing him to fall just like his parents.

Then he landed on the ground but he felt nothing. Soon Wally appeared before him and Dick for a split second thought he was alive. He had tears of joy in his eyes. He raced over and threw his arms around his best friend, hugging him.
"Y-you're...alive!?! I-I th-thought I lost y-you!" Dick cried but then was shoved quickly away. Dick looked up at Wally, with shock written all over his face and then Wally punched him in the face. The speedster's hand went around his throat and began to choke him.

"You let me die!" Screamed Wally.
Dick shook his head 'no' as tears filled his eyes.

"No...Wally" Dick whispered but Wally's grip grew tighter.

"You couldn't save me because you are too pathetic! You screw up everything in your life! You are not good enough, you never will be and that's the true reason behind you not wanting to become Batman!" Wally screamed at him.

"Walls..." Dick said as he voice broke.

"I HATE YOU!" screamed Wally.

Images of the night the cave blew up came to his mind now, the fight they had was clear as day. They had never truly fought before like that and it broke his heart when they did.
They were the best of friends and after their fight they never got to make up and say sorry to one another.

Wally had died with thinking that Dick hated him.
"You got me killed! It's all your fault!" Wally screamed.

"Please...wally please s-stop" Dick whispered as his breath was stolen from him by his best friend's hand against his throat.
"You know what I want...I want you...dead" said Wally ang gave Dick's throat a good tight squeeze, cutting off Dick's oxygen intake.
Dick then nodded his head, "it's okay Wally. It's okay...I-I... I forgive you. J-just do it."

The hands upon his throat grew tighter.
"You're my best friend, forgive me" said Dick as a sharp pain radiated throughout his body as if he was being electrocuted at that moment.

His mind became even more clouded. A thousands of different, horrible images flashes in his mind. He then was being tortured by The Joker, Deathstroke and the most scariest was being tortured by Bruce and...Jason.

Everything was a mess. All his doubts, fears, failures and nightmares were present right now in his mind and were destroying him slowly.

Dick's throat was so sore from screaming. He opened his eyes slowly and pushed himself up off the ground.

Deathstroke had undid the metal cuffs holding him down because of how badly he was thrashing around, causing his wrists bleed so much.

The effects of the toxin were wearing off slowly. The things he was seeing were disappearing as Dick saw Deathstroke walking slowly closers towards him.

His vision was still blurry and he was still seeing things that caused his anxiety to continue to rise inside his chest, such as a bloody and broken Jason Todd in the corner of the room.

"You never cared about me! You never cared! You the reason behind everything! Everyone's death is because of you! You were Never my brother!" shouted Jason.

"Jay" Dick whispered to himself as he then turned to look over at Slade.
Deathstroke grew closer towards him now, but Dick couldn't figure out anything he was saying.

Then all of a sudden things changed.
Dick quickly kicked Deathstroke in the chest, causing the villain to move backwards.
As he kicked him, Dick reached for the gun at Deathstroke side, yanking the gun from the holster.

Dick pointed the gun at Deathstroke, who smiled sightly at Dick, not thinking for one second that the young, injured, scared out of his mind bird would pull the trigger, but he did.

The shot fired but due to being under the fear toxin and the other drugs before plus some torture, Dick's aim was way off, only grazing Deathstroke's arm.

Slade then laughed and began walking to Dick but then froze when Dick turned the gun on himself.

His hands were shaking wildly as he held the end of the gun to his temple.
Deathstroke's eyes slightly widen from the look within the broken blue eyes of the once full of life bird.

After a few moments, the sound of a shot rang throughout the small room, silencing everything.

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