Chapter 2

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A/N: Dick/Nightwing is now in the clutches of Deathstroke.
*contains torture scenes with blood*


The very first thing Dick noticed when he woke up was that he was all alone in a small, dark and cold cell.

He crunched up his eyebrows, he was slightly confused about his location, before everything came rushing back to him.

The chilling ice, cold wind slamming against his body. Flashes of lighting and lights twisted before him.

A blurred colors of yellow and red flashing by then...nothing.
Absolutely nothing.

The world was saved but, the blurred colors of yellow and red were now gone and lost forever.
A tightness filling up in his chest, an ache that shook everything radiated through him.

Then feeling completely numb and alone.
He remembered leaving then flying through the crisp air of the night then... a shadow, a man.
It was Deathstroke.

The hits and kicks clear in his mind, the feel of the sword slicing against his body then...nothing.
Nothing but darkness.

Dick looked around the cell. He was taken by Deathstroke.
He pushed himself up onto his feet, a small ache radiating throughout his sore and injured body.

One the other side of the cell was a small mirror. Dick stumbled over towards it to now see that he was out of his Nightwing suit along with his mask that once shield his identity.

Dick's bright, beautiful blue eyes that were shinning with life slightly dimmed as he stared upon himself. His identity was revealed, he was exposed. His eyes widen with shock, fear and hopelessness.

He didn't know what he was going to do, how to escape this now with his identity out there.

He turned away from the mirror and glanced over the small cell, looking for any possible ways out.

Just then, the cell and the room was beginning to fill with a gas. Dick began to cough as the gas over powered him and his attempts to not breath it in. He lasted a good few minutes before his lungs demanded him to breath.
As soon as he inhaled he began to cough and chock upon the unknown gas in the cell.

All his muscles felt like pins and needles, his legs now tired and heavy could no longer seem to hold him up anymore.
Dick soon fell to his knees, slamming them harshly against the cell's floor. His vision was swimming and soon his body could no longer put up the fight to stay away, and once again he was met with the nothing darkness of unconscious.
[Hours later]

Dick soon became aware of a pounding headache that felt as if it threaten to blow his head clean off. His eyelids were very heavy and Dick could barely open them, and when he did, he was blinded by a bright light shinning down upon him.

Dick squinted his eyes and went to bring his hand up to block the light but he soon realized that he couldn't move his arms or ankles. He was strapped down.

Dick slightly sat up, not being able to sit up fully but far enough to see both his ankles and wrists shackled down by metal cuffs on a slab of metal he laid upon.

"You're finally up" called out a voice that he recognized right away to belong to Deathstroke. He could hear the slight sound of footsteps growing closer towards him.

He needed to lay down on the cold metal table because Dick was hit with a wave of nausea, that threatened to release his last meal before him.

The foot steps grew louder and Dick shut his eyes for a second, one, to calm his body and try to stop this sick feeling inside him and two, to prepare himself for what was to come, whatever it might be.

Dick with his eyes still closed, hasn't realized just how close Slade had gotten to him.
He suddenly felt a gloved hand press down upon his shoulder, causing Dick's body to tense up.

Dick forced his eyes open and send his best batglare at the villain standing over him.

Deathstroke chuckled before stepping away from Dick. Dick tried to sit up, to see what the masked man was doing.
He saw him walking slowly back over towards him, with a blade glistening within his hand.

He walked over and leaned into Dick's face and smiled down at him, with a hint of something within his one eye.

"I have lots to teach you and much for you to learn" said Deathstroke as he held the blade up by Dick's eye, allowing the tip of the blade to dig into the skin closest to his eye, causing a bit out blood to run out but nothing that would be permanent for the young bird.

"Let's begin" said Deathstroke how pulled the blade away from his eye and drew it quickly across his bicep. It was a shallow cut but Deathstroke put pressure on it and drew it fast across his skin, causing it to burn.

He kept making shallow cuts upon Dick's body and not once did Dick scream.

Dick watched as Slade moved from him and soon brought a whole tray of items which he planed to use against him. There were many needles and blades. Dick met Deathstroke's gaze and he smiled up at the mercenary to show that he wasn't afraid, that he was strong. Almost taunting the villain to do his worst upon him.

"What do you want?" Dick asked Slade as he dug the blade into his side and give it a little twist, causing Dick to bit his bottom lip as he silently hissed in pain.

"Isn't obvious?" Deathstroke stated and yank the blade from Dick's side and dragged it up his body and held it slightly against his throat.

"You. I" said Deathstroke who smiled wicked at Dick who then held up a large needle filled with something that even Dick wasn't prepared for.

Something that would awaken his worst nightmares and fears.

Something to break his mind.

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