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Progluge: I don't know how long I've been here. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? I don't even know. How could I, though? I'm stuck in pitchblack, unless you count the row of dull light bulbs hanging in the hall that leads to the chambers where I get my 'treatment'. The doctors say I can trust them. But I can't. I won't. Johanna says I can only trust her. I can't trust anyone. Not even myself.


When I surface from my slumber, the darkness that I saw with my eyes closed, never leaves. I'm not sure what is going on, all I remember is being lifted into the sky by a hovercraft. I can't exactly get up thanks to the shackles binding me to the bars. I can tilt my head though so I start to try and examine my surroundings. I make out a girl in a cell across from me, Johanna Mason.

"Johanna?" I call out.

She slowly lifts her head up. "Peeta?" she answers back blindly.

"Whats going on? Where are we?" I ask, starting to squint to try and get a better look around. "We're in the Capitol," she responds. "Why are we here?" I ask frantically. I look around and realize I don't see Katniss.

"Where is Katniss?" I ask before she even had a respond to my first  question.

"All I can tell you is that she was picked up by District 13 when the force field when Katniss destroyed it. She's safe. I promise." Johanna responds. Relief runs through me that Katniss is safe.

"Thanks." I say. But then the realization of what she said hit me. "Wait, what!?"
"Oh now what!?"
"You said District 13." Even through the dark cell, I can see her face working in concentration. "Oh Peeta," she says softer than I knew she could. "The less you know, the better."

I sit there for what seems like hours, just staring blankly at the opposing bars that's on the other side of the cell and thinking about what Katniss is doing. What is she doing in District 13. I finally go to sleep but not to long later am I shaken by the sound of my cell door opening.

Two peacekeepers enter my cell, pull out a key and unhook my shackles, but replace them with handcuffs. I look at Johanna and see the same is happening to her, but she is taken in the opposite direction then me. I'm taken in a small room an handcuffed to a chair, the peacekeepers walk out of the room and then someone else enters the room. President Snow.

Mockingjay - Peetas POVWhere stories live. Discover now