Chapter 11

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I wake up to the sound of rattling keys. A guard is coming to my cell, behind him I notice something different. In Johanna's cell that's across from mine, is a girl with red hair and crystal green eyes. I don't see Johanna but them I hear a gut renching scream and I don't question it any farther.

I see the guard walk toward me, he takes off my restrains quickly and while he puts on my hand cuffs he tightness them a little more then usual. He leads me past the room of my nightmares and I hear another gut renching scream from Johanna. I'm lead into the room again were my nightmares become my reality. He straps be down again and walks out of the room, I try to wiggle me arms but just like my handcuffs where also tighter these where too. He comes in with the two doctors again and I start to freak out, I start to slash out and I'm yelling for them to leave me alone, but they just act ignore me. I know there's no point but I can't help it.

They wheel in the same cart again and I see the liquid again. The guard whispers something in the doctors ear, I can't hear anything but a couple words " Care full, Over Dose, anger" That's all I can make out of their words. They both nod and pick up a syringe and a cup of the liquid. I whimper a little because I now whats going to happen to me. Then the guard leaves and comes with another cart and I already know what it is. Electric shock. I get angry again about this and grit my teeth. The guard comes toward me with the pad to put around my stomach. He looks at the doctors who walk towards me and I start to wiggle again.

" So Peeta, we want to ask you some questions again." I don't answer. " A little quiet today are we?" I stare at him in desbelief, that he thinks that I actully want to talk to any of these maniacs. " So... Peeta do you remember what we told you about Katniss." At her name I feel myself panic and try to get up. The doctors look a little nervous. " That she's a KILLER and a MUTT!"  " Exellent job Peeta" I know that voice. It's Snow. He sits right across from me, a evil smile planted on his face, I stare right back at him, not saying a single word. 

And then it happens all over again. Even though I know Katniss is a mutt they don't stop making me answer the questions and like before I get shocked untell I say exactly what they want, word by word, sentence by sentence.

Mockingjay - Peetas POVWhere stories live. Discover now